Source code for instruments.agilent.agilent34410a

#!/usr/bin/env python
Provides support for the Agilent 34410a digital multimeter.

# IMPORTS #####################################################################

from instruments.generic_scpi import SCPIMultimeter
from instruments.optional_dep_finder import numpy
from instruments.units import ureg as u

# CLASSES #####################################################################

[docs] class Agilent34410a(SCPIMultimeter): # pylint: disable=abstract-method """ The Agilent 34410a is a very popular 6.5 digit DMM. This class should also cover the Agilent 34401a, 34411a, as well as the backwards compatability mode in the newer Agilent/Keysight 34460a/34461a. You can find the full specifications for these instruments on the `Keysight website`_. Example usage: >>> import instruments as ik >>> import instruments.units as u >>> dmm = ik.agilent.Agilent34410a.open_gpibusb('/dev/ttyUSB0', 1) >>> print(dmm.measure(dmm.Mode.resistance)) .. _Keysight website: """ # PROPERTIES # @property def data_point_count(self): """ Gets the total number of readings that are located in reading memory (RGD_STORE). :rtype: `int` """ return int(self.query("DATA:POIN?")) # STATE MANAGEMENT METHODS #
[docs] def init(self): """ Switch device from "idle" state to "wait-for-trigger state". Measurements will begin when specified triggering conditions are met, following the receipt of the INIT command. Note that this command will also clear the previous set of readings from memory. """ self.sendcmd("INIT")
[docs] def abort(self): """ Abort all measurements currently in progress. """ self.sendcmd("ABOR")
[docs] def clear_memory(self): """ Clears the non-volatile memory of the Agilent 34410a. """ self.sendcmd("DATA:DEL NVMEM")
[docs] def r(self, count): """ Have the multimeter perform a specified number of measurements and then transfer them using a binary transfer method. Data will be cleared from instrument memory after transfer is complete. Data is transfered from the instrument in 64-bit double floating point precision format. :param int count: Number of samples to take. :rtype: `tuple`[`~pint.Quantity`, ...] or if numpy is installed, `~pint.Quantity` with `numpy.array` data """ mode = self.mode units = UNITS[mode] if not isinstance(count, int): raise TypeError('Parameter "count" must be an integer') if count == 0: msg = "R?" else: msg = "R? " + str(count) self.sendcmd("FORM:DATA REAL,64") self.sendcmd(msg) data = self.binblockread(8, fmt=">d") if numpy: return data * units return tuple(val * units for val in data)
[docs] def fetch(self): """ Transfer readings from instrument memory to the output buffer, and thus to the computer. If currently taking a reading, the instrument will wait until it is complete before executing this command. Readings are NOT erased from memory when using fetch. Use the R? command to read and erase data. Note that the data is transfered as ASCII, and thus it is not recommended to transfer a large number of data points using this method. :rtype: `tuple`[`~pint.Quantity`, ...] or if numpy is installed, `~pint.Quantity` with `numpy.array` data """ units = UNITS[self.mode] data = list(map(float, self.query("FETC?").split(","))) if numpy: return data * units return tuple(val * units for val in data)
[docs] def read_data(self, sample_count): """ Transfer specified number of data points from reading memory (RGD_STORE) to output buffer. First data point sent to output buffer is the oldest. Data is erased after being sent to output buffer. :param int sample_count: Number of data points to be transfered to output buffer. If set to -1, all points in memory will be transfered. :rtype: `tuple`[`~pint.Quantity`, ...] or if numpy is installed, `~pint.Quantity` with `numpy.array` data """ if not isinstance(sample_count, int): raise TypeError('Parameter "sample_count" must be an integer.') if sample_count == -1: sample_count = self.data_point_count units = UNITS[self.mode] self.sendcmd("FORM:DATA ASC") data = self.query(f"DATA:REM? {sample_count}").split(",") data = list(map(float, data)) if numpy: return data * units return tuple(val * units for val in data)
[docs] def read_data_nvmem(self): """ Returns all readings in non-volatile memory (NVMEM). :rtype: `tuple`[`~pint.Quantity`, ...] or if numpy is installed, `~pint.Quantity` with `numpy.array` data """ units = UNITS[self.mode] data = list(map(float, self.query("DATA:DATA? NVMEM").split(","))) if numpy: return data * units return tuple(val * units for val in data)
[docs] def read_last_data(self): """ Retrieve the last measurement taken. This can be executed at any time, including when the instrument is currently taking measurements. If there are no data points available, the value ``9.91000000E+37`` is returned. :units: As specified by the data returned by the instrument. :rtype: `~pint.Quantity` """ data = self.query("DATA:LAST?") unit_map = { "VDC": "V", "VAC": "V", } if data == "9.91000000E+37": return float(data) else: data = data.split(" ") data[0] = float(data[0]) if data[1] in unit_map: data[1] = unit_map[data[1]] return u.Quantity(*data)
[docs] def read_meter(self): """ Switch device from "idle" state to "wait-for-trigger" state. Immediately after the trigger conditions are met, the data will be sent to the output buffer of the instrument. This is similar to calling `~Agilent34410a.init` and then immediately following `~Agilent34410a.fetch`. :rtype: `~pint.Quantity` """ mode = self.mode units = UNITS[mode] return float(self.query("READ?")) * units
# UNITS ####################################################################### UNITS = { Agilent34410a.Mode.capacitance: u.farad, Agilent34410a.Mode.voltage_dc: u.volt, Agilent34410a.Mode.voltage_ac: u.volt, Agilent34410a.Mode.diode: u.volt, Agilent34410a.Mode.current_ac: u.amp, Agilent34410a.Mode.current_dc: u.amp, Agilent34410a.Mode.resistance: u.ohm, Agilent34410a.Mode.fourpt_resistance: u.ohm, Agilent34410a.Mode.frequency: u.hertz, Agilent34410a.Mode.period: u.second, Agilent34410a.Mode.temperature: u.kelvin, Agilent34410a.Mode.continuity: 1, }