Source code for instruments.generic_scpi.scpi_multimeter

#!/usr/bin/env python
Provides support for SCPI compliant multimeters

# IMPORTS #####################################################################

from enum import Enum

from instruments.units import ureg as u

from instruments.abstract_instruments import Multimeter
from instruments.generic_scpi import SCPIInstrument
from instruments.util_fns import assume_units, enum_property, unitful_property

# CONSTANTS ###################################################################

VALID_FRES_NAMES = ["4res", "4 res", "four res", "f res"]

UNITS_VOLTAGE = ["volt:dc", "volt:ac", "diod"]
UNITS_CURRENT = ["curr:dc", "curr:ac"]
UNITS_TIME = ["per"]

# CLASSES #####################################################################

[docs] class SCPIMultimeter(SCPIInstrument, Multimeter): """ This class is used for communicating with generic SCPI-compliant multimeters. Example usage: >>> import instruments as ik >>> inst = ik.generic_scpi.SCPIMultimeter.open_tcpip("") >>> print(inst.measure(inst.Mode.resistance)) """ # ENUMS ##
[docs] class Mode(Enum): """ Enum of valid measurement modes for (most) SCPI compliant multimeters """ capacitance = "CAP" continuity = "CONT" current_ac = "CURR:AC" current_dc = "CURR:DC" diode = "DIOD" frequency = "FREQ" fourpt_resistance = "FRES" period = "PER" resistance = "RES" temperature = "TEMP" voltage_ac = "VOLT:AC" voltage_dc = "VOLT:DC"
[docs] class TriggerMode(Enum): """ Valid trigger sources for most SCPI Multimeters. "Immediate": This is a continuous trigger. This means the trigger signal is always present. "External": External TTL pulse on the back of the instrument. It is active low. "Bus": Causes the instrument to trigger when a ``*TRG`` command is sent by software. This means calling the trigger() function. """ immediate = "IMM" external = "EXT" bus = "BUS"
[docs] class InputRange(Enum): """ Valid device range parameters outside of directly specifying the range. """ minimum = "MIN" maximum = "MAX" default = "DEF" automatic = "AUTO"
[docs] class Resolution(Enum): """ Valid measurement resolution parameters outside of directly the resolution. """ minimum = "MIN" maximum = "MAX" default = "DEF"
[docs] class TriggerCount(Enum): """ Valid trigger count parameters outside of directly the value. """ minimum = "MIN" maximum = "MAX" default = "DEF" infinity = "INF"
[docs] class SampleCount(Enum): """ Valid sample count parameters outside of directly the value. """ minimum = "MIN" maximum = "MAX" default = "DEF"
[docs] class SampleSource(Enum): """ Valid sample source parameters. #. "immediate": The trigger delay time is inserted between successive samples. After the first measurement is completed, the instrument waits the time specified by the trigger delay and then performs the next sample. #. "timer": Successive samples start one sample interval after the START of the previous sample. """ immediate = "IMM" timer = "TIM"
# PROPERTIES ## # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda,undefined-variable mode = enum_property( command="CONF", enum=Mode, doc=""" Gets/sets the current measurement mode for the multimeter. Example usage: >>> dmm.mode = dmm.Mode.voltage_dc :type: `~SCPIMultimeter.Mode` """, input_decoration=lambda x: SCPIMultimeter._mode_parse(x), set_fmt="{}:{}", ) trigger_mode = enum_property( command="TRIG:SOUR", enum=TriggerMode, doc=""" Gets/sets the SCPI Multimeter trigger mode. Example usage: >>> dmm.trigger_mode = dmm.TriggerMode.external :type: `~SCPIMultimeter.TriggerMode` """, ) @property def input_range(self): """ Gets/sets the device input range for the device range for the currently set multimeter mode. Example usages: >>> dmm.input_range = dmm.InputRange.automatic >>> dmm.input_range = 1 * u.millivolt :units: As appropriate for the current mode setting. :type: `~pint.Quantity`, or `~SCPIMultimeter.InputRange` """ value = self.query("CONF?") mode = self.Mode(self._mode_parse(value)) value = value.split(" ")[1].split(",")[0] # Extract device range try: return float(value) * UNITS[mode] except ValueError: return self.InputRange(value.strip()) @input_range.setter def input_range(self, newval): current = self.query("CONF?") mode = self.Mode(self._mode_parse(current)) units = UNITS[mode] if isinstance(newval, self.InputRange): newval = newval.value else: newval = assume_units(newval, units).to(units).magnitude self.sendcmd(f"CONF:{mode.value} {newval}") @property def resolution(self): """ Gets/sets the measurement resolution for the multimeter. When specified as a float it is assumed that the user is providing an appropriate value. Example usage: >>> dmm.resolution = 3e-06 >>> dmm.resolution = dmm.Resolution.maximum :type: `int`, `float` or `~SCPIMultimeter.Resolution` """ value = self.query("CONF?") value = value.split(" ")[1].split(",")[1] # Extract resolution try: return float(value) except ValueError: return self.Resolution(value.strip()) @resolution.setter def resolution(self, newval): current = self.query("CONF?") mode = self.Mode(self._mode_parse(current)) input_range = current.split(" ")[1].split(",")[0] if isinstance(newval, self.Resolution): newval = newval.value elif not isinstance(newval, (float, int)): raise TypeError( "Resolution must be specified as an int, float, " "or SCPIMultimeter.Resolution value." ) self.sendcmd(f"CONF:{mode.value} {input_range},{newval}") @property def trigger_count(self): """ Gets/sets the number of triggers that the multimeter will accept before returning to an "idle" trigger state. Note that if the sample_count propery has been changed, the number of readings taken total will be a multiplication of sample count and trigger count (see property `SCPIMulimeter.sample_count`). If specified as a `~SCPIMultimeter.TriggerCount` value, the following options apply: #. "minimum": 1 trigger #. "maximum": Maximum value as per instrument manual #. "default": Instrument default as per instrument manual #. "infinity": Continuous. Typically when the buffer is filled in this case, the older data points are overwritten. Note that when using triggered measurements, it is recommended that you disable autorange by either explicitly disabling it or specifying your desired range. :type: `int` or `~SCPIMultimeter.TriggerCount` """ value = self.query("TRIG:COUN?") try: return int(value) except ValueError: return self.TriggerCount(value.strip()) @trigger_count.setter def trigger_count(self, newval): if isinstance(newval, self.TriggerCount): newval = newval.value elif not isinstance(newval, int): raise TypeError( "Trigger count must be specified as an int " "or SCPIMultimeter.TriggerCount value." ) self.sendcmd(f"TRIG:COUN {newval}") @property def sample_count(self): """ Gets/sets the number of readings (samples) that the multimeter will take per trigger event. The time between each measurement is defined with the sample_timer property. Note that if the trigger_count propery has been changed, the number of readings taken total will be a multiplication of sample count and trigger count (see property `SCPIMulimeter.trigger_count`). If specified as a `~SCPIMultimeter.SampleCount` value, the following options apply: #. "minimum": 1 sample per trigger #. "maximum": Maximum value as per instrument manual #. "default": Instrument default as per instrument manual Note that when using triggered measurements, it is recommended that you disable autorange by either explicitly disabling it or specifying your desired range. :type: `int` or `~SCPIMultimeter.SampleCount` """ value = self.query("SAMP:COUN?") try: return int(value) except ValueError: return self.SampleCount(value.strip()) @sample_count.setter def sample_count(self, newval): if isinstance(newval, self.SampleCount): newval = newval.value elif not isinstance(newval, int): raise TypeError( "Sample count must be specified as an int " "or SCPIMultimeter.SampleCount value." ) self.sendcmd(f"SAMP:COUN {newval}") trigger_delay = unitful_property( command="TRIG:DEL", units=u.second, doc=""" Gets/sets the time delay which the multimeter will use following receiving a trigger event before starting the measurement. :units: As specified, or assumed to be of units seconds otherwise. :type: `~pint.Quantity` """, ) sample_source = enum_property( command="SAMP:SOUR", enum=SampleSource, doc=""" Gets/sets the multimeter sample source. This determines whether the trigger delay or the sample timer is used to dtermine sample timing when the sample count is greater than 1. In both cases, the first sample is taken one trigger delay time period after the trigger event. After that, it depends on which mode is used. :type: `SCPIMultimeter.SampleSource` """, ) sample_timer = unitful_property( command="SAMP:TIM", units=u.second, doc=""" Gets/sets the sample interval when the sample counter is greater than one and when the sample source is set to timer (see `SCPIMultimeter.sample_source`). This command does not effect the delay between the trigger occuring and the start of the first sample. This trigger delay is set with the `~SCPIMultimeter.trigger_delay` property. :units: As specified, or assumed to be of units seconds otherwise. :type: `~pint.Quantity` """, ) @property def relative(self): raise NotImplementedError @relative.setter def relative(self, newval): raise NotImplementedError # METHODS ##
[docs] def measure(self, mode=None): """ Instruct the multimeter to perform a one time measurement. The instrument will use default parameters for the requested measurement. The measurement will immediately take place, and the results are directly sent to the instrument's output buffer. Method returns a Python quantity consisting of a numpy array with the instrument value and appropriate units. If no appropriate units exist, (for example, continuity), then return type is `float`. :param mode: Desired measurement mode. If set to `None`, will default to the current mode. :type mode: `~SCPIMultimeter.Mode` """ if mode is None: mode = self.mode if not isinstance(mode, SCPIMultimeter.Mode): raise TypeError( "Mode must be specified as a SCPIMultimeter.Mode " "value, got {} instead.".format(type(mode)) ) # pylint: disable=no-member value = float(self.query(f"MEAS:{mode.value}?")) return value * UNITS[mode]
# INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ## @staticmethod def _mode_parse(val): """ When given a string of the form "VOLT +1.00000000E+01,+3.00000000E-06" this function will return just the first component representing the mode the multimeter is currently in. :param str val: Input string to be parsed. :rtype: `str` """ val = val.split(" ")[0] if val == "VOLT": val = "VOLT:DC" return val
# UNITS ####################################################################### UNITS = { SCPIMultimeter.Mode.capacitance: u.farad, SCPIMultimeter.Mode.voltage_dc: u.volt, SCPIMultimeter.Mode.voltage_ac: u.volt, SCPIMultimeter.Mode.diode: u.volt, SCPIMultimeter.Mode.current_ac: u.amp, SCPIMultimeter.Mode.current_dc: u.amp, SCPIMultimeter.Mode.resistance: u.ohm, SCPIMultimeter.Mode.fourpt_resistance: u.ohm, SCPIMultimeter.Mode.frequency: u.hertz, SCPIMultimeter.Mode.period: u.second, SCPIMultimeter.Mode.temperature: u.kelvin, SCPIMultimeter.Mode.continuity: 1, }