Source code for instruments.keithley.keithley6220

#!/usr/bin/env python
Provides support for the Keithley 6220 constant current supply

# IMPORTS #####################################################################

from instruments.units import ureg as u

from instruments.abstract_instruments import PowerSupply
from instruments.generic_scpi import SCPIInstrument
from instruments.util_fns import bounded_unitful_property

# CLASSES #####################################################################

[docs] class Keithley6220(SCPIInstrument, PowerSupply): """ The Keithley 6220 is a single channel constant current supply. Because this is a constant current supply, most features that a regular power supply have are not present on the 6220. Example usage: >>> import instruments.units as u >>> import instruments as ik >>> ccs = ik.keithley.Keithley6220.open_gpibusb("/dev/ttyUSB0", 10) >>> ccs.current = 10 * u.milliamp # Sets current to 10mA >>> ccs.disable() # Turns off the output and sets the current to 0A """ # PROPERTIES ## @property def channel(self): """ For most power supplies, this would return a channel specific object. However, the 6220 only has a single channel, so this function simply returns a tuple containing itself. This is for compatibility reasons if a multichannel supply is replaced with the single-channel 6220. For example, the following commands are the same and both set the current to 10mA: >>>[0].current = 0.01 >>> ccs.current = 0.01 """ return (self,) @property def voltage(self): """ This property is not supported by the Keithley 6220. """ raise NotImplementedError( "The Keithley 6220 does not support voltage " "settings." ) @voltage.setter def voltage(self, newval): raise NotImplementedError( "The Keithley 6220 does not support voltage " "settings." ) current, current_min, current_max = bounded_unitful_property( "SOUR:CURR", u.amp, valid_range=(-105 * u.milliamp, +105 * u.milliamp), doc=""" Gets/sets the output current of the source. Value must be between -105mA and +105mA. :units: As specified, or assumed to be :math:`\\text{A}` otherwise. :type: `float` or `~pint.Quantity` """, ) # METHODS #
[docs] def disable(self): """ Set the output current to zero and disable the output. """ self.sendcmd("SOUR:CLE:IMM")