Source code for instruments.tektronix.tekdpo4104

#!/usr/bin/env python
Provides support for the Tektronix DPO 4104 oscilloscope

# IMPORTS #####################################################################

from time import sleep
from enum import Enum

from instruments.abstract_instruments import Oscilloscope
from instruments.optional_dep_finder import numpy
from instruments.generic_scpi import SCPIInstrument
from instruments.util_fns import ProxyList

# FUNCTIONS ###################################################################

def _parent_property(prop_name, doc=""):
    def getter(self):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
        with self:
            # pylint: disable=protected-access
            return getattr(self._tek, prop_name)

    # pylint: disable=missing-docstring,unused-argument
    def setter(self, newval):
        with self:
            # pylint: disable=protected-access
            setattr(self._tek, prop_name, newval)

    return property(getter, setter, doc=doc)

# CLASSES #####################################################################

[docs] class TekDPO4104(SCPIInstrument, Oscilloscope): """ The Tektronix DPO4104 is a multi-channel oscilloscope with analog bandwidths ranging from 100MHz to 1GHz. This class inherits from `~instruments.generic_scpi.SCPIInstrument`. Example usage: >>> import instruments as ik >>> tek = ik.tektronix.TekDPO4104.open_tcpip("", 8888) >>> [x, y] =[0].read_waveform() """
[docs] class DataSource(Oscilloscope.DataSource): """ Class representing a data source (channel, math, or ref) on the Tektronix DPO 4104. .. warning:: This class should NOT be manually created by the user. It is designed to be initialized by the `TekDPO4104` class. """ def __init__(self, tek, name): super().__init__(tek, name) self._tek = self._parent @property def name(self): """ Gets the name of this data source, as identified over SCPI. :type: `str` """ return self._name def __enter__(self): self._old_dsrc = self._tek.data_source if self._old_dsrc != self: # Set the new data source, and let __exit__ cleanup. self._tek.data_source = self else: # There"s nothing to do or undo in this case. self._old_dsrc = None def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): if self._old_dsrc is not None: self._tek.data_source = self._old_dsrc def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented return == __hash__ = None
[docs] def read_waveform(self, bin_format=True): """ Read waveform from the oscilloscope. This function is all inclusive. After reading the data from the oscilloscope, it unpacks the data and scales it accordingly. Supports both ASCII and binary waveform transfer. Function returns a tuple (x,y), where both x and y are numpy arrays. :param bool bin_format: If `True`, data is transfered in a binary format. Otherwise, data is transferred in ASCII. :rtype: `tuple`[`tuple`[`~pint.Quantity`, ...], `tuple`[`~pint.Quantity`, ...]] or if numpy is installed, `tuple` of two `~pint.Quantity` with `numpy.array` data """ # Set the acquisition channel with self: # TODO: move this out somewhere more appropriate. old_dat_stop = self._tek.query("DAT:STOP?") self._tek.sendcmd(f"DAT:STOP {10 ** 7}") if not bin_format: # Set data encoding format to ASCII self._tek.sendcmd("DAT:ENC ASCI") sleep(0.02) # Work around issue with 2.48 firmware. raw = self._tek.query("CURVE?") raw = raw.split(",") # Break up comma delimited string if numpy: raw = numpy.array(raw, dtype=float) # Convert to numpy array else: raw = map(float, raw) else: # Set encoding to signed, big-endian self._tek.sendcmd("DAT:ENC RIB") sleep(0.02) # Work around issue with 2.48 firmware. data_width = self._tek.data_width self._tek.sendcmd("CURVE?") # Read in the binary block, data width of 2 bytes. raw = self._tek.binblockread(data_width) # Read the new line character that is sent self._tek._file.read_raw(1) # pylint: disable=protected-access yoffs = self._tek.y_offset # Retrieve Y offset ymult = self._tek.query("WFMP:YMU?") # Retrieve Y multiplier yzero = self._tek.query("WFMP:YZE?") # Retrieve Y zero xzero = self._tek.query("WFMP:XZE?") # Retrieve X zero xincr = self._tek.query("WFMP:XIN?") # Retrieve X incr # Retrieve number of data points ptcnt = self._tek.query("WFMP:NR_P?") if numpy: x = numpy.arange(float(ptcnt)) * float(xincr) + float(xzero) y = ((raw - yoffs) * float(ymult)) + float(yzero) else: x = tuple( float(val) * float(xincr) + float(xzero) for val in range(int(ptcnt)) ) y = tuple(((x - yoffs) * float(ymult)) + float(yzero) for x in raw) self._tek.sendcmd(f"DAT:STOP {old_dat_stop}") return x, y
y_offset = _parent_property("y_offset")
[docs] class Channel(DataSource, Oscilloscope.Channel): """ Class representing a channel on the Tektronix DPO 4104. This class inherits from `TekDPO4104.DataSource`. .. warning:: This class should NOT be manually created by the user. It is designed to be initialized by the `TekDPO4104` class. """ def __init__(self, parent, idx): super().__init__(parent, f"CH{idx + 1}") self._idx = idx + 1 @property def coupling(self): """ Gets/sets the coupling setting for this channel. :type: `TekDPO4104.Coupling` """ return TekDPO4104.Coupling(self._tek.query(f"CH{self._idx}:COUPL?")) @coupling.setter def coupling(self, newval): if not isinstance(newval, TekDPO4104.Coupling): raise TypeError( "Coupling setting must be a `TekDPO4104.Coupling`" " value, got {} instead.".format(type(newval)) ) self._tek.sendcmd(f"CH{self._idx}:COUPL {newval.value}")
[docs] class Coupling(Enum): """ Enum containing valid coupling modes for the channels on the Tektronix DPO 4104 """ ac = "AC" dc = "DC" ground = "GND"
# PROPERTIES # @property def channel(self): """ Gets a specific oscilloscope channel object. The desired channel is specified like one would access a list. For instance, this would transfer the waveform from the first channel:: >>> tek = ik.tektronix.TekDPO4104.open_tcpip("", 8888) >>> [x, y] =[0].read_waveform() :rtype: `TekDPO4104.Channel` """ return ProxyList(self, self.Channel, range(4)) @property def ref(self): """ Gets a specific oscilloscope reference channel object. The desired channel is specified like one would access a list. For instance, this would transfer the waveform from the first channel:: >>> import instruments as ik >>> tek = ik.tektronix.TekDPO4104.open_tcpip("", 8888) >>> [x, y] = tek.ref[0].read_waveform() :rtype: `TekDPO4104.DataSource` """ return ProxyList( self, lambda s, idx: self.DataSource(s, f"REF{idx + 1}"), range(4), ) @property def math(self): """ Gets a data source object corresponding to the MATH channel. :rtype: `TekDPO4104.DataSource` """ return self.DataSource(self, "MATH") @property def data_source(self): """ Gets/sets the the data source for waveform transfer. """ name = self.query("DAT:SOU?") if name.startswith("CH"): return self.Channel(self, int(name[2:]) - 1) return self.DataSource(self, name) @data_source.setter def data_source(self, newval): # TODO: clean up type-checking here. if not isinstance(newval, str): if hasattr(newval, "value"): # Is an enum with a value. newval = newval.value elif hasattr(newval, "name"): # Is a datasource with a name. newval = self.sendcmd(f"DAT:SOU {newval}") sleep(0.01) # Let the instrument catch up. @property def aquisition_length(self): """ Gets/sets the aquisition length of the oscilloscope :type: `int` """ return int(self.query("HOR:RECO?")) @aquisition_length.setter def aquisition_length(self, newval): self.sendcmd(f"HOR:RECO {newval}") @property def aquisition_running(self): """ Gets/sets the aquisition state of the attached instrument. This property is `True` if the aquisition is running, and is `False` otherwise. :type: `bool` """ return bool(int(self.query("ACQ:STATE?").strip())) @aquisition_running.setter def aquisition_running(self, newval): self.sendcmd(f"ACQ:STATE {1 if newval else 0}") @property def aquisition_continuous(self): """ Gets/sets whether the aquisition is continuous ("run/stop mode") or whether aquisiton halts after the next sequence ("single mode"). :type: `bool` """ return self.query("ACQ:STOPA?").strip().startswith("RUNST") @aquisition_continuous.setter def aquisition_continuous(self, newval): self.sendcmd("ACQ:STOPA {}".format("RUNST" if newval else "SEQ")) @property def data_width(self): """ Gets/sets the data width (number of bytes wide per data point) for waveforms transfered to/from the oscilloscope. Valid widths are 1 or 2. :type: `int` """ return int(self.query("DATA:WIDTH?")) @data_width.setter def data_width(self, newval): if int(newval) not in [1, 2]: raise ValueError("Only one or two byte-width is supported.") self.sendcmd(f"DATA:WIDTH {newval}") # TODO: convert to read in unitful quantities. @property def y_offset(self): """ Gets/sets the Y offset of the currently selected data source. """ yoffs = float(self.query("WFMP:YOF?")) return yoffs @y_offset.setter def y_offset(self, newval): self.sendcmd(f"WFMP:YOF {newval}") # METHODS #
[docs] def force_trigger(self): """ Forces a trigger event to occur on the attached oscilloscope. Note that this is distinct from the standard SCPI ``*TRG`` functionality. """ self.sendcmd("TRIG FORCE")