Source code for instruments.tektronix.tekdpo70000

#!/usr/bin/env python
Provides support for the Tektronix DPO 70000 oscilloscope series

# IMPORTS #####################################################################

import abc
from enum import Enum
import time

from instruments.abstract_instruments import Oscilloscope
from instruments.generic_scpi import SCPIInstrument
from instruments.optional_dep_finder import numpy
from instruments.units import ureg as u
from instruments.util_fns import (

# CLASSES #####################################################################

# pylint: disable=too-many-lines

[docs] class TekDPO70000(SCPIInstrument, Oscilloscope): """ The Tektronix DPO70000 series is a multi-channel oscilloscope with analog bandwidths ranging up to 33GHz. This class inherits from `~instruments.generic_scpi.SCPIInstrument`. Example usage: >>> import instruments as ik >>> tek = ik.tektronix.TekDPO70000.open_tcpip("", 8888) >>> [x, y] =[0].read_waveform() """ # CONSTANTS # # The number of horizontal and vertical divisions. HOR_DIVS = 10 VERT_DIVS = 10 # ENUMS #
[docs] class AcquisitionMode(Enum): """ Enum containing valid acquisition modes for the Tektronix 70000 series oscilloscopes. """ sample = "SAM" peak_detect = "PEAK" hi_res = "HIR" average = "AVE" waveform_db = "WFMDB" envelope = "ENV"
[docs] class AcquisitionState(Enum): """ Enum containing valid acquisition states for the Tektronix 70000 series oscilloscopes. """ on = "ON" off = "OFF" run = "RUN" stop = "STOP"
[docs] class StopAfter(Enum): """ Enum containing valid stop condition modes for the Tektronix 70000 series oscilloscopes. """ run_stop = "RUNST" sequence = "SEQ"
[docs] class SamplingMode(Enum): """ Enum containing valid sampling modes for the Tektronix 70000 series oscilloscopes. """ real_time = "RT" equivalent_time_allowed = "ET" interpolation_allowed = "IT"
[docs] class HorizontalMode(Enum): """ Enum containing valid horizontal scan modes for the Tektronix 70000 series oscilloscopes. """ auto = "AUTO" constant = "CONST" manual = "MAN"
[docs] class WaveformEncoding(Enum): """ Enum containing valid waveform encoding modes for the Tektronix 70000 series oscilloscopes. """ # NOTE: For some reason, it uses the full names here instead of # returning the mneonics listed in the manual. ascii = "ASCII" binary = "BINARY"
[docs] class BinaryFormat(Enum): """ Enum containing valid binary formats for the Tektronix 70000 series oscilloscopes (int, unsigned-int, floating-point). """ int = "RI" uint = "RP" float = "FP" # Single-precision!
[docs] class ByteOrder(Enum): """ Enum containing valid byte order (big-/little-endian) for the Tektronix 70000 series oscilloscopes. """ little_endian = "LSB" big_endian = "MSB"
[docs] class TriggerState(Enum): """ Enum containing valid trigger states for the Tektronix 70000 series oscilloscopes. """ armed = "ARMED" auto = "AUTO" dpo = "DPO" partial = "PARTIAL" ready = "READY"
# STATIC METHODS # @staticmethod def _dtype(binary_format, byte_order, n_bytes): return "{}{}{}".format( { TekDPO70000.ByteOrder.big_endian: ">", TekDPO70000.ByteOrder.little_endian: "<", }[byte_order], (n_bytes if n_bytes is not None else ""), { "i", TekDPO70000.BinaryFormat.uint: "u", TekDPO70000.BinaryFormat.float: "f", }[binary_format], ) # CLASSES #
[docs] class DataSource(Oscilloscope.DataSource): """ Class representing a data source (channel, math, or ref) on the Tektronix DPO 70000. .. warning:: This class should NOT be manually created by the user. It is designed to be initialized by the `TekDPO70000` class. """ @property def name(self): return self._name @abc.abstractmethod def _scale_raw_data(self, data): """ Takes the int16 data and figures out how to make it unitful. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access
[docs] def read_waveform(self, bin_format=True): # We want to get the data back in binary, as it's just too much # otherwise. with self: self._parent.select_fastest_encoding() n_bytes = self._parent.outgoing_n_bytes dtype = self._parent._dtype( self._parent.outgoing_binary_format, self._parent.outgoing_byte_order, n_bytes=None, ) self._parent.sendcmd("CURV?") raw = self._parent.binblockread(n_bytes, fmt=dtype) # Clear the queue by reading the end of line character self._parent._file.read_raw(1) return self._scale_raw_data(raw)
def __enter__(self): self._old_dsrc = self._parent.data_source if self._old_dsrc != self: # Set the new data source, and let __exit__ cleanup. self._parent.data_source = self else: # There's nothing to do or undo in this case. self._old_dsrc = None def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): if self._old_dsrc is not None: self._parent.data_source = self._old_dsrc
[docs] class Math(DataSource): """ Class representing a math channel on the Tektronix DPO 70000. This class inherits from `TekDPO70000.DataSource`. .. warning:: This class should NOT be manually created by the user. It is designed to be initialized by the `TekDPO70000` class. """ def __init__(self, parent, idx): self._parent = parent self._idx = idx + 1 # 1-based. # Initialize as a data source with name MATH{}. super().__init__(parent, f"MATH{self._idx}")
[docs] def sendcmd(self, cmd): """ Wraps commands sent from property factories in this class with identifiers for the specified math channel. :param str cmd: Command to send to the instrument """ self._parent.sendcmd(f"MATH{self._idx}:{cmd}")
[docs] def query(self, cmd, size=-1): """ Wraps queries sent from property factories in this class with identifiers for the specified math channel. :param str cmd: Query command to send to the instrument :param int size: Number of characters to read from the response. Default value reads until a termination character is found. :return: The query response :rtype: `str` """ return self._parent.query(f"MATH{self._idx}:{cmd}", size)
[docs] class FilterMode(Enum): """ Enum containing valid filter modes for a math channel on the TekDPO70000 series oscilloscope. """ centered = "CENT" shifted = "SHIF"
[docs] class Mag(Enum): """ Enum containing valid amplitude units for a math channel on the TekDPO70000 series oscilloscope. """ linear = "LINEA" db = "DB" dbm = "DBM"
[docs] class Phase(Enum): """ Enum containing valid phase units for a math channel on the TekDPO70000 series oscilloscope. """ degrees = "DEG" radians = "RAD" group_delay = "GROUPD"
[docs] class SpectralWindow(Enum): """ Enum containing valid spectral windows for a math channel on the TekDPO70000 series oscilloscope. """ rectangular = "RECTANG" hamming = "HAMM" hanning = "HANN" kaiser_besse = "KAISERB" blackman_harris = "BLACKMANH" flattop2 = "FLATTOP2" gaussian = "GAUSS" tek_exponential = "TEKEXP"
define = string_property( "DEF", doc=""" A text string specifying the math to do, ex. CH1+CH2 """, ) filter_mode = enum_property("FILT:MOD", FilterMode) filter_risetime = unitful_property("FILT:RIS", u.second) label = string_property( "LAB:NAM", doc=""" Just a human readable label for the channel. """, ) label_xpos = unitless_property( "LAB:XPOS", doc=""" The x position, in divisions, to place the label. """, ) label_ypos = unitless_property( "LAB:YPOS", doc="""The y position, in divisions, to place the label. """, ) num_avg = unitless_property( "NUMAV", doc=""" The number of acquisistions over which exponential averaging is performed. """, ) spectral_center = unitful_property( "SPEC:CENTER", u.Hz, doc=""" The desired frequency of the spectral analyzer output data span in Hz. """, ) spectral_gatepos = unitful_property( "SPEC:GATEPOS", u.second, doc=""" The gate position. Units are represented in seconds, with respect to trigger position. """, ) spectral_gatewidth = unitful_property( "SPEC:GATEWIDTH", u.second, doc=""" The time across the 10-division screen in seconds. """, ) spectral_lock = bool_property("SPEC:LOCK", inst_true="ON", inst_false="OFF") spectral_mag = enum_property( "SPEC:MAG", Mag, doc=""" Whether the spectral magnitude is linear, db, or dbm. """, ) spectral_phase = enum_property( "SPEC:PHASE", Phase, doc=""" Whether the spectral phase is degrees, radians, or group delay. """, ) spectral_reflevel = unitless_property( "SPEC:REFL", doc=""" The value that represents the topmost display screen graticule. The units depend on spectral_mag. """, ) spectral_reflevel_offset = unitless_property("SPEC:REFLEVELO") spectral_resolution_bandwidth = unitful_property( "SPEC:RESB", u.Hz, doc=""" The desired resolution bandwidth value. Units are represented in Hertz. """, ) spectral_span = unitful_property( "SPEC:SPAN", u.Hz, doc=""" Specifies the frequency span of the output data vector from the spectral analyzer. """, ) spectral_suppress = unitless_property( "SPEC:SUPP", doc=""" The magnitude level that data with magnitude values below this value are displayed as zero phase. """, ) spectral_unwrap = bool_property( "SPEC:UNWR", inst_true="ON", inst_false="OFF", doc=""" Enables or disables phase wrapping. """, ) spectral_window = enum_property("SPEC:WIN", SpectralWindow) threshhold = unitful_property( "THRESH", u.volt, doc=""" The math threshhold in volts """, ) unit_string = string_property( "UNITS", doc=""" Just a label for the units...doesn"t actually change anything. """, ) autoscale = bool_property( "VERT:AUTOSC", inst_true="ON", inst_false="OFF", doc=""" Enables or disables the auto-scaling of new math waveforms. """, ) position = unitless_property( "VERT:POS", doc=""" The vertical position, in divisions from the center graticule. """, ) scale = unitful_property( "VERT:SCALE", u.volt, doc=""" The scale in volts per division. The range is from ``100e-36`` to ``100e+36``. """, ) def _scale_raw_data(self, data): # TODO: incorperate the unit_string somehow if numpy: return self.scale * ( (TekDPO70000.VERT_DIVS / 2) * data.astype(float) / (2**15) - self.position ) scale = self.scale position = self.position rval = tuple( scale * ((TekDPO70000.VERT_DIVS / 2) * d / (2**15) - position) for d in map(float, data) ) return rval
[docs] class Channel(DataSource, Oscilloscope.Channel): """ Class representing a channel on the Tektronix DPO 70000. This class inherits from `TekDPO70000.DataSource`. .. warning:: This class should NOT be manually created by the user. It is designed to be initialized by the `TekDPO70000` class. """ def __init__(self, parent, idx): self._parent = parent self._idx = idx + 1 # 1-based. # Initialize as a data source with name CH{}. super().__init__(self._parent, f"CH{self._idx}")
[docs] def sendcmd(self, cmd): """ Wraps commands sent from property factories in this class with identifiers for the specified channel. :param str cmd: Command to send to the instrument """ self._parent.sendcmd(f"CH{self._idx}:{cmd}")
[docs] def query(self, cmd, size=-1): """ Wraps queries sent from property factories in this class with identifiers for the specified channel. :param str cmd: Query command to send to the instrument :param int size: Number of characters to read from the response. Default value reads until a termination character is found. :return: The query response :rtype: `str` """ return self._parent.query(f"CH{self._idx}:{cmd}", size)
[docs] class Coupling(Enum): """ Enum containing valid coupling modes for the oscilloscope channel """ ac = "AC" dc = "DC" dc_reject = "DCREJ" ground = "GND"
coupling = enum_property( "COUP", Coupling, doc=""" Gets/sets the coupling for the specified channel. Example usage: >>> import instruments as ik >>> inst = ik.tektronix.TekDPO70000.open_tcpip("", 8080) >>> channel =[0] >>> channel.coupling = """, ) bandwidth = unitful_property("BAN", u.Hz) deskew = unitful_property("DESK", u.second) termination = unitful_property("TERM", u.ohm) label = string_property( "LAB:NAM", doc=""" Just a human readable label for the channel. """, ) label_xpos = unitless_property( "LAB:XPOS", doc=""" The x position, in divisions, to place the label. """, ) label_ypos = unitless_property( "LAB:YPOS", doc=""" The y position, in divisions, to place the label. """, ) offset = unitful_property( "OFFS", u.volt, doc=""" The vertical offset in units of volts. Voltage is given by ``offset+scale*(5*raw/2^15 - position)``. """, ) position = unitless_property( "POS", doc=""" The vertical position, in divisions from the center graticule, ranging from ``-8`` to ``8``. Voltage is given by ``offset+scale*(5*raw/2^15 - position)``. """, ) scale = unitful_property( "SCALE", u.volt, doc=""" Vertical channel scale in units volts/division. Voltage is given by ``offset+scale*(5*raw/2^15 - position)``. """, ) def _scale_raw_data(self, data): scale = self.scale position = self.position offset = self.offset if numpy: return ( scale * ( (TekDPO70000.VERT_DIVS / 2) * data.astype(float) / (2**15) - position ) + offset ) return tuple( scale * ((TekDPO70000.VERT_DIVS / 2) * d / (2**15) - position) + offset for d in map(float, data) )
# PROPERTIES ## @property def channel(self): return ProxyList(self, self.Channel, range(4)) @property def math(self): return ProxyList(self, self.Math, range(4)) @property def ref(self): raise NotImplementedError # For some settings that probably won't be used that often, use # string_property instead of setting up an enum property. acquire_enhanced_enob = string_property( "ACQ:ENHANCEDE", bookmark_symbol="", doc=""" Valid values are AUTO and OFF. """, ) acquire_enhanced_state = bool_property( "ACQ:ENHANCEDE:STATE", inst_false="0", # TODO: double check that these are correct inst_true="1", ) acquire_interp_8bit = string_property( "ACQ:INTERPE", bookmark_symbol="", doc=""" Valid values are AUTO, ON and OFF. """, ) acquire_magnivu = bool_property("ACQ:MAG", inst_true="ON", inst_false="OFF") acquire_mode = enum_property("ACQ:MOD", AcquisitionMode) acquire_mode_actual = enum_property("ACQ:MOD:ACT", AcquisitionMode, readonly=True) acquire_num_acquisitions = int_property( "ACQ:NUMAC", readonly=True, doc=""" The number of waveform acquisitions that have occurred since starting acquisition with the ACQuire:STATE RUN command """, ) acquire_num_avgs = int_property( "ACQ:NUMAV", doc=""" The number of waveform acquisitions to average. """, ) acquire_num_envelop = int_property( "ACQ:NUME", doc=""" The number of waveform acquisitions to be enveloped """, ) acquire_num_frames = int_property( "ACQ:NUMFRAMESACQ", readonly=True, doc=""" The number of frames acquired when in FastFrame Single Sequence and acquisitions are running. """, ) acquire_num_samples = int_property( "ACQ:NUMSAM", doc=""" The minimum number of acquired samples that make up a waveform database (WfmDB) waveform for single sequence mode and Mask Pass/Fail Completion Test. The default value is 16,000 samples. The range is 5,000 to 2,147,400,000 samples. """, ) acquire_sampling_mode = enum_property("ACQ:SAMP", SamplingMode) acquire_state = enum_property( "ACQ:STATE", AcquisitionState, doc=""" This command starts or stops acquisitions. """, ) acquire_stop_after = enum_property( "ACQ:STOPA", StopAfter, doc=""" This command sets or queries whether the instrument continually acquires acquisitions or acquires a single sequence. """, ) data_framestart = int_property("DAT:FRAMESTAR") data_framestop = int_property("DAT:FRAMESTOP") data_start = int_property( "DAT:STAR", doc=""" The first data point that will be transferred, which ranges from 1 to the record length. """, ) # TODO: Look into the following troublesome datasheet note: "When using the # CURVe command, DATa:STOP is ignored and WFMInpre:NR_Pt is used." data_stop = int_property( "DAT:STOP", doc=""" The last data point that will be transferred. """, ) data_sync_sources = bool_property("DAT:SYNCSOU", inst_true="ON", inst_false="OFF") @property def data_source(self): """ Gets/sets the data source for the oscilloscope. This will return the actual Channel/Math/DataSource object as if it was accessed through the usual ``, `TekDPO70000.math`, or `TekDPO70000.ref` properties. :type: `TekDPO70000.Channel` or `TekDPO70000.Math` """ val = self.query("DAT:SOU?") if val[0:2] == "CH": out =[int(val[2]) - 1] elif val[0:2] == "MA": out = self.math[int(val[4]) - 1] elif val[0:2] == "RE": out = self.ref[int(val[3]) - 1] else: raise NotImplementedError return out @data_source.setter def data_source(self, newval): if not isinstance(newval, self.DataSource): raise TypeError(f"{type(newval)} is not a valid data source.") self.sendcmd(f"DAT:SOU {}") # Some Tek scopes require this after the DAT:SOU command, or else # they will stop responding. time.sleep(0.02) horiz_acq_duration = unitful_property( "HOR:ACQDURATION", u.second, readonly=True, doc=""" The duration of the acquisition. """, ) horiz_acq_length = int_property( "HOR:ACQLENGTH", readonly=True, doc=""" The record length. """, ) horiz_delay_mode = bool_property("HOR:DEL:MOD", inst_true="1", inst_false="0") horiz_delay_pos = unitful_property( "HOR:DEL:POS", u.percent, doc=""" The percentage of the waveform that is displayed left of the center graticule. """, ) horiz_delay_time = unitful_property( "HOR:DEL:TIM", u.second, doc=""" The base trigger delay time setting. """, ) horiz_interp_ratio = unitless_property( "HOR:MAI:INTERPR", readonly=True, doc=""" The ratio of interpolated points to measured points. """, ) horiz_main_pos = unitful_property( "HOR:MAI:POS", u.percent, doc=""" The percentage of the waveform that is displayed left of the center graticule. """, ) horiz_unit = string_property("HOR:MAI:UNI") horiz_mode = enum_property("HOR:MODE", HorizontalMode) horiz_record_length_lim = int_property( "HOR:MODE:AUTO:LIMIT", doc=""" The recond length limit in samples. """, ) horiz_record_length = int_property( "HOR:MODE:RECO", doc=""" The recond length in samples. See `horiz_mode`; manual mode lets you change the record length, while the length is readonly for auto and constant mode. """, ) horiz_sample_rate = unitful_property( "HOR:MODE:SAMPLER", u.Hz, doc=""" The sample rate in samples per second. """, ) horiz_scale = unitful_property( "HOR:MODE:SCA", u.second, doc=""" The horizontal scale in seconds per division. The horizontal scale is readonly when `horiz_mode` is manual. """, ) horiz_pos = unitful_property( "HOR:POS", u.percent, doc=""" The position of the trigger point on the screen, left is 0%, right is 100%. """, ) horiz_roll = string_property( "HOR:ROLL", bookmark_symbol="", doc=""" Valid arguments are AUTO, OFF, and ON. """, ) trigger_state = enum_property("TRIG:STATE", TriggerState) # Waveform Transfer Properties outgoing_waveform_encoding = enum_property( "WFMO:ENC", WaveformEncoding, doc=""" Controls the encoding used for outgoing waveforms (instrument → host). """, ) outgoing_binary_format = enum_property( "WFMO:BN_F", BinaryFormat, doc=""" Controls the data type of samples when transferring waveforms from the instrument to the host using binary encoding. """, ) outgoing_byte_order = enum_property( "WFMO:BYT_O", ByteOrder, doc=""" Controls whether binary data is returned in little or big endian. """, ) outgoing_n_bytes = int_property( "WFMO:BYT_N", valid_set={1, 2, 4, 8}, doc=""" The number of bytes per sample used in representing outgoing waveforms in binary encodings. Must be either 1, 2, 4 or 8. """, ) # METHODS #
[docs] def select_fastest_encoding(self): """ Sets the encoding for data returned by this instrument to be the fastest encoding method consistent with the current data source. """ self.sendcmd("DAT:ENC FAS")
[docs] def force_trigger(self): """ Forces a trigger event to happen for the oscilloscope. """ self.sendcmd("TRIG FORC")
# TODO: consider moving the next few methods to Oscilloscope.
[docs] def run(self): """ Enables the trigger for the oscilloscope. """ self.sendcmd(":RUN")
[docs] def stop(self): """ Disables the trigger for the oscilloscope. """ self.sendcmd(":STOP")