Source code for instruments.thorlabs.lcc25

Provides the support for the Thorlabs LCC25 liquid crystal controller.

Class originally contributed by Catherine Holloway.

# IMPORTS #####################################################################

from enum import IntEnum

from instruments.thorlabs.thorlabs_utils import check_cmd

from instruments.abstract_instruments import Instrument
from instruments.units import ureg as u
from instruments.util_fns import enum_property, bool_property, unitful_property

# CLASSES #####################################################################

[docs] class LCC25(Instrument): """ The LCC25 is a controller for the thorlabs liquid crystal modules. it can set two voltages and then oscillate between them at a specific repetition rate. The user manual can be found here: """ def __init__(self, filelike): super().__init__(filelike) self.terminator = "\r" self.prompt = "> " def _ack_expected(self, msg=""): return msg # ENUMS #
[docs] class Mode(IntEnum): """ Enum containing valid output modes of the LCC25 """ normal = 0 voltage1 = 1 voltage2 = 2
# PROPERTIES # @property def name(self): """ Gets the name and version number of the device :rtype: `str` """ return self.query("*idn?") frequency = unitful_property( "freq", u.Hz, format_code="{:.1f}", set_fmt="{}={}", valid_range=(5, 150), doc=""" Gets/sets the frequency at which the LCC oscillates between the two voltages. :units: As specified (if a `~pint.Quantity`) or assumed to be of units Hertz. :rtype: `~pint.Quantity` """, ) mode = enum_property( "mode", Mode, input_decoration=int, set_fmt="{}={}", doc=""" Gets/sets the output mode of the LCC25 :rtype: `LCC25.Mode` """, ) enable = bool_property( "enable", inst_true="1", inst_false="0", set_fmt="{}={}", doc=""" Gets/sets the output enable status. If output enable is on (`True`), there is a voltage on the output. :rtype: `bool` """, ) extern = bool_property( "extern", inst_true="1", inst_false="0", set_fmt="{}={}", doc=""" Gets/sets the use of the external TTL modulation. Value is `True` for external TTL modulation and `False` for internal modulation. :rtype: `bool` """, ) remote = bool_property( "remote", inst_true="1", inst_false="0", set_fmt="{}={}", doc=""" Gets/sets front panel lockout status for remote instrument operation. Value is `False` for normal operation and `True` to lock out the front panel buttons. :rtype: `bool` """, ) voltage1 = unitful_property( "volt1", u.V, format_code="{:.1f}", set_fmt="{}={}", valid_range=(0, 25), doc=""" Gets/sets the voltage value for output 1. :units: As specified (if a `~pint.Quantity`) or assumed to be of units Volts. :rtype: `~pint.Quantity` """, ) voltage2 = unitful_property( "volt2", u.V, format_code="{:.1f}", set_fmt="{}={}", valid_range=(0, 25), doc=""" Gets/sets the voltage value for output 2. :units: As specified (if a `~pint.Quantity`) or assumed to be of units Volts. :rtype: `~pint.Quantity` """, ) min_voltage = unitful_property( "min", u.V, format_code="{:.1f}", set_fmt="{}={}", valid_range=(0, 25), doc=""" Gets/sets the minimum voltage value for the test mode. :units: As specified (if a `~pint.Quantity`) or assumed to be of units Volts. :rtype: `~pint.Quantity` """, ) max_voltage = unitful_property( "max", u.V, format_code="{:.1f}", set_fmt="{}={}", valid_range=(0, 25), doc=""" Gets/sets the maximum voltage value for the test mode. If the maximum voltage is less than the minimum voltage, nothing happens. :units: As specified (if a `~pint.Quantity`) or assumed to be of units Volts. :rtype: `~pint.Quantity` """, ) dwell = unitful_property( "dwell",, format_code="{:n}", set_fmt="{}={}", valid_range=(0, None), doc=""" Gets/sets the dwell time for voltages for the test mode. :units: As specified (if a `~pint.Quantity`) or assumed to be of units milliseconds. :rtype: `~pint.Quantity` """, ) increment = unitful_property( "increment", units=u.V, format_code="{:.1f}", set_fmt="{}={}", valid_range=(0, None), doc=""" Gets/sets the voltage increment for voltages for the test mode. :units: As specified (if a `~pint.Quantity`) or assumed to be of units Volts. :rtype: `~pint.Quantity` """, ) # METHODS #
[docs] def default(self): """ Restores instrument to factory settings. Returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise :rtype: `int` """ response = self.query("default") return check_cmd(response)
[docs] def save(self): """ Stores the parameters in static memory Returns 1 if successful, zero otherwise. :rtype: `int` """ response = self.query("save") return check_cmd(response)
[docs] def set_settings(self, slot): """ Saves the current settings to memory. Returns 1 if successful, zero otherwise. :param slot: Memory slot to use, valid range `[1,4]` :type slot: `int` :rtype: `int` """ if slot not in range(1, 5): raise ValueError("Cannot set memory out of `[1,4]` range") response = self.query(f"set={slot}") return check_cmd(response)
[docs] def get_settings(self, slot): """ Gets the current settings to memory. Returns 1 if successful, zero otherwise. :param slot: Memory slot to use, valid range `[1,4]` :type slot: `int` :rtype: `int` """ if slot not in range(1, 5): raise ValueError("Cannot set memory out of `[1,4]` range") response = self.query(f"get={slot}") return check_cmd(response)
[docs] def test_mode(self): """ Puts the LCC in test mode - meaning it will increment the output voltage from the minimum value to the maximum value, in increments, waiting for the dwell time Returns 1 if successful, zero otherwise. :rtype: `int` """ response = self.query("test") return check_cmd(response)