Source code for instruments.toptica.topmode

#!/usr/bin/env python
Provides the support for the Toptica Topmode diode laser.

Class originally contributed by Catherine Holloway.

# IMPORTS #####################################################################

from enum import IntEnum

from instruments.abstract_instruments import Instrument
from instruments.toptica.toptica_utils import convert_toptica_boolean as ctbool
from instruments.toptica.toptica_utils import convert_toptica_datetime as ctdate
from instruments.units import ureg as u
from instruments.util_fns import ProxyList

# CLASSES #####################################################################

[docs] class TopMode(Instrument): """ Communicates with a `Toptica Topmode`_ instrument. The TopMode is a diode laser with active stabilization, produced by Toptica. Example usage: >>> import instruments as ik >>> tm = ik.toptica.TopMode.open_serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 115200) >>> print(tm.laser[0].wavelength) """ def __init__(self, filelike): super().__init__(filelike) self.prompt = "> " self.terminator = "\r\n" def _ack_expected(self, msg=""): if "reboot" in msg: return [msg, "reboot process started."] elif "start-correction" in msg: return [msg, "()"] return msg # ENUMS #
[docs] class CharmStatus(IntEnum): """ Enum containing valid charm statuses for the lasers """ un_initialized = 0 in_progress = 1 success = 2 failure = 3
[docs] class Laser: """ Class representing a laser on the Toptica Topmode. .. warning:: This class should NOT be manually created by the user. It is designed to be initialized by the `Topmode` class. """ def __init__(self, parent, idx): self.parent = parent = f"laser{idx + 1}" # PROPERTIES # @property def serial_number(self): """ Gets the serial number of the laser :return: The serial number of the specified laser :type: `str` """ return self.parent.reference( + ":serial-number") @property def model(self): """ Gets the model type of the laser :return: The model of the specified laser :type: `str` """ return self.parent.reference( + ":model") @property def wavelength(self): """ Gets the wavelength of the laser :return: The wavelength of the specified laser :units: Nanometers (nm) :type: `~pint.Quantity` """ return float(self.parent.reference( + ":wavelength")) * u.nm @property def production_date(self): """ Gets the production date of the laser :return: The production date of the specified laser :type: `str` """ return self.parent.reference( + ":production-date") @property def enable(self): """ Gets/sets the enable/disable status of the laser. Value of `True` is for enabled, and `False` for disabled. :return: Enable status of the specified laser :type: `bool` """ return ctbool(self.parent.reference( + ":emission")) @enable.setter def enable(self, newval): if not isinstance(newval, bool): raise TypeError( "Emission status must be a boolean, got: " "{}".format(type(newval)) ) if not self.is_connected: raise RuntimeError( "Laser was not recognized by charm " "controller. Is it plugged in?" ) self.parent.set( + ":enable-emission", newval) @property def is_connected(self): """ Check whether a laser is connected. :return: Whether the controller successfully connected to a laser :type: `bool` """ if self.serial_number == "unknown": return False return True @property def on_time(self): """ Gets the 'on time' value for the laser :return: The 'on time' value for the specified laser :units: Seconds (s) :type: `~pint.Quantity` """ return float(self.parent.reference( + ":ontime")) * u.s @property def charm_status(self): """ Gets the 'charm status' of the laser :return: The 'charm status' of the specified laser :type: `bool` """ response = int(self.parent.reference( + ":health")) return (response >> 7) % 2 == 1 @property def temperature_control_status(self): """ Gets the temperature control status of the laser :return: The temperature control status of the specified laser :type: `bool` """ response = int(self.parent.reference( + ":health")) return (response >> 5) % 2 == 1 @property def current_control_status(self): """ Gets the current control status of the laser :return: The current control status of the specified laser :type: `bool` """ response = int(self.parent.reference( + ":health")) return (response >> 6) % 2 == 1 @property def tec_status(self): """ Gets the TEC status of the laser :return: The TEC status of the specified laser :type: `bool` """ return ctbool(self.parent.reference( + ":tec:ready")) @property def intensity(self): """ Gets the intensity of the laser. This property is unitless. :return: the intensity of the specified laser :units: Unitless :type: `float` """ return float(self.parent.reference( + ":intensity")) @property def mode_hop(self): """ Gets whether the laser has mode-hopped :return: Mode-hop status of the specified laser :type: `bool` """ response = self.parent.reference( + ":charm:reg:mh-occurred") return ctbool(response) @property def lock_start(self): """ Gets the date and time of the start of mode-locking :return: The datetime of start of mode-locking for specified laser :type: `datetime` """ # if mode locking has not started yet, the device will respond with # an empty date string. This causes a problem with ctdate. _corr_stat = self.correction_status if ( _corr_stat == TopMode.CharmStatus.un_initialized or _corr_stat == TopMode.CharmStatus.failure ): raise RuntimeError("Laser has not yet successfully locked") response = self.parent.reference( + ":charm:reg:started") return ctdate(response) @property def first_mode_hop_time(self): """ Gets the date and time of the first mode hop :return: The datetime of the first mode hop for the specified laser :type: `datetime` """ # if the mode has not hopped, the device will respond with an empty # date string. This causes a problem with ctdate. if not self.mode_hop: raise RuntimeError("Mode hop not detected") response = self.parent.reference( + ":charm:reg:first-mh") return ctdate(response) @property def latest_mode_hop_time(self): """ Gets the date and time of the latest mode hop :return: The datetime of the latest mode hop for the specified laser :type: `datetime` """ # if the mode has not hopped, the device will respond with an empty # date string. This causes a problem with ctdate. if not self.mode_hop: raise RuntimeError("Mode hop not detected") response = self.parent.reference( + ":charm:reg:latest-mh") return ctdate(response) @property def correction_status(self): """ Gets the correction status of the laser :return: The correction status of the specified laser :type: `~TopMode.CharmStatus` """ value = self.parent.reference( + ":charm:correction-status") return TopMode.CharmStatus(int(value)) # METHODS #
[docs] def correction(self): """ Run the correction against the specified laser """ if self.correction_status == TopMode.CharmStatus.un_initialized: self.parent.execute( + ":charm:start-correction-initial") else: self.parent.execute( + ":charm:start-correction")
[docs] def execute(self, command): """ Sends an execute command to the Topmode. This is used to automatically append (exec ' + command + ) to your command. :param str command: The command to be executed. """ self.sendcmd("(exec '" + command + ")")
[docs] def set(self, param, value): """ Sends a param-set command to the Topmode. This is used to automatically handle appending "param-set!" and the rest of the param-set message structure to your message. :param str param: Parameter that will be set :param value: Value that the parameter will be set to :type value: `str`, `tuple`, `list`, or `bool` """ if isinstance(value, str): self.query(f'(param-set! \'{param} "{value}")') elif isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): self.query("(param-set! '{} '({}))".format(param, " ".join(value))) elif isinstance(value, bool): value = "t" if value else "f" self.query(f"(param-set! '{param} #{value})")
[docs] def reference(self, param): """ Sends a reference commands to the Topmode. This is effectively a query request. It will append the required (param-ref ' + param + ). :param str param: Parameter that should be queried :return: Response to the reference request :rtype: `str` """ response = self.query(f"(param-ref '{param})").replace('"', "") return response
[docs] def display(self, param): """ Sends a display command to the Topmode. :param str param: Parameter that will be sent with a display request :return: Response to the display request """ return self.query(f"(param-disp '{param})")
# PROPERTIES # @property def laser(self): """ Gets a specific Topmode laser object. The desired laser is specified like one would access a list. For example, the following would print the wavelength from laser 1: >>> import instruments as ik >>> import instruments.units as u >>> tm = ik.toptica.TopMode.open_serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 115200) >>> print(tm.laser[0].wavelength) :rtype: `~TopMode.Laser` """ return ProxyList(self, self.Laser, range(2)) @property def enable(self): """ is the laser lasing? :return: """ return ctbool(self.reference("emission")) @enable.setter def enable(self, newval): if not isinstance(newval, bool): raise TypeError( "Emission status must be a boolean, " "got: {}".format(type(newval)) ) self.set("enable-emission", newval) @property def locked(self): """ Gets the key switch lock status :return: `True` if key switch is locked, `False` otherwise :type: `bool` """ return ctbool(self.reference("front-key-locked")) @property def interlock(self): """ Gets the interlock switch open state :return: `True` if interlock switch is open, `False` otherwise :type: `bool` """ return ctbool(self.reference("interlock-open")) @property def firmware(self): """ Gets the firmware version of the charm controller :return: The firmware version of the charm controller :type: `tuple` """ firmware = tuple(map(int, self.reference("fw-ver").split("."))) return firmware @property def fpga_status(self): """ Gets the FPGA health status :return: `False` if there has been a failure for the FPGA, `True` otherwise :type: `bool` """ response = self.reference("system-health") if response.find("#f") >= 0: return False response = int(response) return False if response % 2 else True @property def serial_number(self): """ Gets the serial number of the charm controller :return: The serial number of the charm controller :type: `str` """ return self.reference("serial-number") @property def temperature_status(self): """ Gets the temperature controller board health status :return: `False` if there has been a failure for the temperature controller board, `True` otherwise :type: `bool` """ response = int(self.reference("system-health")) return False if (response >> 1) % 2 else True @property def current_status(self): """ Gets the current controller board health status :return: `False` if there has been a failure for the current controller board, `True` otherwise :type: `bool` """ response = int(self.reference("system-health")) return False if (response >> 2) % 2 else True # METHODS #
[docs] def reboot(self): """ Reboots the system (note that the serial connect might have to be re-opened after this) """ self.execute("reboot-system")