Source code for instruments.abstract_instruments.function_generator

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Provides an abstract base class for function generator instruments

# IMPORTS #####################################################################

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division

import abc
from enum import Enum

from builtins import range
from future.utils import with_metaclass
import quantities as pq

from instruments.abstract_instruments import Instrument
import instruments.units as u
from instruments.util_fns import assume_units, ProxyList

# CLASSES #####################################################################

[docs]class FunctionGenerator(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, Instrument)): """ Abstract base class for function generator instruments. All applicable concrete instruments should inherit from this ABC to provide a consistent interface to the user. """ def __init__(self, filelike): super(FunctionGenerator, self).__init__(filelike) self._channel_count = 1 # pylint:disable=protected-access
[docs] class Channel(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)): """ Abstract base class for physical channels on a function generator. All applicable concrete instruments should inherit from this ABC to provide a consistent interface to the user. Function generators that only have a single channel do not need to define their own concrete implementation of this class. Ones with multiple channels need their own definition of this class, where this class contains the concrete implementations of the below abstract methods. Instruments with 1 channel have their concrete implementations at the parent instrument level. """ def __init__(self, parent, name): self._parent = parent self._name = name # ABSTRACT PROPERTIES # @property def frequency(self): """ Gets/sets the the output frequency of the function generator. This is an abstract property. :type: `~quantities.Quantity` """ if self._parent._channel_count == 1: return self._parent.frequency else: raise NotImplementedError() @frequency.setter def frequency(self, newval): if self._parent._channel_count == 1: self._parent.frequency = newval else: raise NotImplementedError() @property def function(self): """ Gets/sets the output function mode of the function generator. This is an abstract property. :type: `~enum.Enum` """ if self._parent._channel_count == 1: return self._parent.function else: raise NotImplementedError() @function.setter def function(self, newval): if self._parent._channel_count == 1: self._parent.function = newval else: raise NotImplementedError() @property def offset(self): """ Gets/sets the output offset voltage of the function generator. This is an abstract property. :type: `~quantities.Quantity` """ if self._parent._channel_count == 1: return self._parent.offset else: raise NotImplementedError() @offset.setter def offset(self, newval): if self._parent._channel_count == 1: self._parent.offset = newval else: raise NotImplementedError() @property def phase(self): """ Gets/sets the output phase of the function generator. This is an abstract property. :type: `~quantities.Quantity` """ if self._parent._channel_count == 1: return self._parent.phase else: raise NotImplementedError() @phase.setter def phase(self, newval): if self._parent._channel_count == 1: self._parent.phase = newval else: raise NotImplementedError() def _get_amplitude_(self): if self._parent._channel_count == 1: return self._parent._get_amplitude_() else: raise NotImplementedError() def _set_amplitude_(self, magnitude, units): if self._parent._channel_count == 1: self._parent._set_amplitude_(magnitude=magnitude, units=units) else: raise NotImplementedError() @property def amplitude(self): """ Gets/sets the output amplitude of the function generator. If set with units of :math:`\\text{dBm}`, then no voltage mode can be passed. If set with units of :math:`\\text{V}` as a `~quantities.Quantity` or a `float` without a voltage mode, then the voltage mode is assumed to be peak-to-peak. :units: As specified, or assumed to be :math:`\\text{V}` if not specified. :type: Either a `tuple` of a `~quantities.Quantity` and a `FunctionGenerator.VoltageMode`, or a `~quantities.Quantity` if no voltage mode applies. """ mag, units = self._get_amplitude_() if units == self._parent.VoltageMode.dBm: return pq.Quantity(mag, u.dBm) return pq.Quantity(mag, pq.V), units @amplitude.setter def amplitude(self, newval): # Try and rescale to dBm... if it succeeds, set the magnitude # and units accordingly, otherwise handle as a voltage. try: newval_dbm = newval.rescale(u.dBm) mag = float(newval_dbm.magnitude) units = self._parent.VoltageMode.dBm except (AttributeError, ValueError): # OK, we have volts. Now, do we have a tuple? If not, assume Vpp. if not isinstance(newval, tuple): mag = newval units = self._parent.VoltageMode.peak_to_peak else: mag, units = newval # Finally, convert the magnitude out to a float. mag = float(assume_units(mag, pq.V).rescale(pq.V).magnitude) self._set_amplitude_(mag, units)
[docs] def sendcmd(self, cmd): self._parent.sendcmd(cmd)
[docs] def query(self, cmd, size=-1): return self._parent.query(cmd, size)
[docs] class VoltageMode(Enum): """ Enum containing valid voltage modes for many function generators """ peak_to_peak = 'VPP' rms = 'VRMS' dBm = 'DBM'
[docs] class Function(Enum): """ Enum containg valid output function modes for many function generators """ sinusoid = 'SIN' square = 'SQU' triangle = 'TRI' ramp = 'RAMP' noise = 'NOIS' arbitrary = 'ARB'
@property def channel(self): return ProxyList(self, self.Channel, range(self._channel_count)) # PASSTHROUGH PROPERTIES # @property def amplitude(self): return[0].amplitude @amplitude.setter def amplitude(self, newval):[0].amplitude = newval def _get_amplitude_(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _set_amplitude_(self, magnitude, units): raise NotImplementedError() @property def frequency(self): """ Gets/sets the the output frequency of the function generator. This is an abstract property. :type: `~quantities.Quantity` """ if self._channel_count > 1: return[0].frequency else: raise NotImplementedError() @frequency.setter def frequency(self, newval): if self._channel_count > 1:[0].frequency = newval else: raise NotImplementedError() @property def function(self): """ Gets/sets the output function mode of the function generator. This is an abstract property. :type: `~enum.Enum` """ if self._channel_count > 1: return[0].function else: raise NotImplementedError() @function.setter def function(self, newval): if self._channel_count > 1:[0].function = newval else: raise NotImplementedError() @property def offset(self): """ Gets/sets the output offset voltage of the function generator. This is an abstract property. :type: `~quantities.Quantity` """ if self._channel_count > 1: return[0].offset else: raise NotImplementedError() @offset.setter def offset(self, newval): if self._channel_count > 1:[0].offset = newval else: raise NotImplementedError() @property def phase(self): """ Gets/sets the output phase of the function generator. This is an abstract property. :type: `~quantities.Quantity` """ if self._channel_count > 1: return[0].phase else: raise NotImplementedError() @phase.setter def phase(self, newval): if self._channel_count > 1:[0].phase = newval else: raise NotImplementedError()