Source code for instruments.generic_scpi.scpi_function_generator

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Provides support for SCPI compliant function generators

# IMPORTS #####################################################################

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division

import quantities as pq

from instruments.abstract_instruments import FunctionGenerator
from instruments.generic_scpi import SCPIInstrument
from instruments.util_fns import enum_property, unitful_property

# CLASSES #####################################################################

[docs]class SCPIFunctionGenerator(FunctionGenerator, SCPIInstrument): """ This class is used for communicating with generic SCPI-compliant function generators. Example usage: >>> import instruments as ik >>> import quantities as pq >>> inst = ik.generic_scpi.SCPIFunctionGenerator.open_tcpip("") >>> inst.frequency = 1 * pq.kHz """ # CONSTANTS # _UNIT_MNEMONICS = { FunctionGenerator.VoltageMode.peak_to_peak: "VPP", FunctionGenerator.VoltageMode.rms: "VRMS", FunctionGenerator.VoltageMode.dBm: "DBM", } _MNEMONIC_UNITS = dict((mnem, unit) for unit, mnem in _UNIT_MNEMONICS.items()) # FunctionGenerator CONTRACT # def _get_amplitude_(self): """ Gets the amplitude for a generic SCPI function generator :type: `tuple` containing `float` for value, and `FunctionGenerator.VoltageMode` for the type of measurement (eg VPP, VRMS, DBM). """ units = self.query("VOLT:UNIT?").strip() return ( float(self.query("VOLT?").strip()), self._MNEMONIC_UNITS[units] ) def _set_amplitude_(self, magnitude, units): """ Sets the amplitude for a generic SCPI function generator :param magnitude: Desired amplitude magnitude :type magnitude: `float` :param units: The type of voltage measurements units :type units: `FunctionGenerator.VoltageMode` """ self.sendcmd("VOLT:UNIT {}".format(self._UNIT_MNEMONICS[units])) self.sendcmd("VOLT {}".format(magnitude)) # PROPERTIES # frequency = unitful_property( command="FREQ", units=pq.Hz, doc=""" Gets/sets the output frequency. :units: As specified, or assumed to be :math:`\\text{Hz}` otherwise. :type: `float` or `~quantities.quantity.Quantity` """ ) function = enum_property( command="FUNC", enum=FunctionGenerator.Function, doc=""" Gets/sets the output function of the function generator :type: `SCPIFunctionGenerator.Function` """ ) offset = unitful_property( command="VOLT:OFFS", units=pq.volt, doc=""" Gets/sets the offset voltage of the function generator. Set value should be within correct bounds of instrument. :units: As specified (if a `~quantities.quantity.Quantity`) or assumed to be of units volts. :type: `~quantities.quantity.Quantity` with units volts. """ ) @property def phase(self): raise NotImplementedError @phase.setter def phase(self, newval): raise NotImplementedError