Source code for instruments.keithley.keithley485

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Driver for the Keithley 485 picoammeter.
# © 2019 Francois Drielsma (
# This file is a part of the InstrumentKit project.
# Licensed under the AGPL version 3.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
Driver for the Keithley 485 picoammeter.

Originally contributed and copyright held by Francois Drielsma

An unrestricted license has been provided to the maintainers of the Instrument
Kit project.

# IMPORTS #####################################################################

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from builtins import bytes
from struct import unpack

from enum import Enum

import quantities as pq

from instruments.abstract_instruments import Instrument

# CLASSES #####################################################################

[docs]class Keithley485(Instrument): """ The Keithley Model 485 is a 4 1/2 digit resolution autoranging picoammeter with a +- 20000 count LCD. It is designed for low current measurement requirements from 0.1pA to 2mA. The device needs some processing time (manual reports 300-500ms) after a command has been transmitted. Example usage: >>> import instruments as ik >>> inst = ik.keithley.Keithley485.open_gpibusb("/dev/ttyUSB0", 22) >>> inst.measure() # Measures the current array(-1.278e-10) * A """ # ENUMS #
[docs] class TriggerMode(Enum): """ Enum containing valid trigger modes for the Keithley 485 """ #: Continuously measures current, returns on talk continuous_ontalk = 0 #: Measures current once and returns on talk oneshot_ontalk = 1 #: Continuously measures current, returns on `GET` continuous_onget = 2 #: Measures current once and returns on `GET` oneshot_onget = 3 #: Continuously measures current, returns on `X` continuous_onx = 4 #: Measures current once and returns on `X` oneshot_onx = 5
[docs] class SRQDataMask(Enum): """ Enum containing valid SRQ data masks for the Keithley 485 """ #: Service request (SRQ) disabled srq_disabled = 0 #: Read overflow read_ovf = 1 #: Read done read_done = 8 #: Read done or read overflow read_done_ovf = 9 #: Device busy busy = 16 #: Device busy or read overflow busy_read_ovf = 17 #: Device busy or read overflow busy_read_done = 24 #: Device busy, read done or read overflow busy_read_done_ovf = 25
[docs] class SRQErrorMask(Enum): """ Enum containing valid SRQ error masks for the Keithley 485 """ #: Service request (SRQ) disabled srq_disabled = 0 #: Illegal Device-Dependent Command Option (IDDCO) idcco = 1 #: Illegal Device-Dependent Command (IDDC) idcc = 2 #: IDDCO or IDDC idcco_idcc = 3 #: Device not in remote not_remote = 4 #: Device not in remote or IDDCO not_remote_idcco = 5 #: Device not in remote or IDDC not_remote_idcc = 6 #: Device not in remote, IDDCO or IDDC not_remote_idcco_idcc = 7
[docs] class Status(Enum): """ Enum containing valid status keys in the measurement string """ #: Measurement normal normal = b"N" #: Measurement zero-check zerocheck = b"C" #: Measurement overflow overflow = b"O" #: Measurement relative relative = b"Z"
# PROPERTIES # @property def zero_check(self): """ Gets/sets the 'zero check' mode (C) of the Keithley 485. Once zero check is enabled (C1 sent), the display can be zeroed with the REL feature or the front panel pot. See the Keithley 485 manual for more information. :type: `bool` """ return self.get_status()["zerocheck"] @zero_check.setter def zero_check(self, newval): if not isinstance(newval, bool): raise TypeError("Zero Check mode must be a boolean.") self.sendcmd("C{}X".format(int(newval))) @property def log(self): """ Gets/sets the 'log' mode (D) of the Keithley 485. Once log is enabled (D1 sent), the device will return the logarithm of the current readings. See the Keithley 485 manual for more information. :type: `bool` """ return self.get_status()["log"] @log.setter def log(self, newval): if not isinstance(newval, bool): raise TypeError("Log mode must be a boolean.") self.sendcmd("D{}X".format(int(newval))) @property def input_range(self): """ Gets/sets the range (R) of the Keithley 485 input terminals. The valid ranges are one of ``{auto|2e-9|2e-8|2e-7|2e-6|2e-5|2e-4|2e-3}`` :type: `~quantities.quantity.Quantity` or `str` """ value = self.get_status()["range"] if isinstance(value, str): return value return value * pq.amp @input_range.setter def input_range(self, newval): valid = ("auto", 2e-9, 2e-8, 2e-7, 2e-6, 2e-5, 2e-4, 2e-3) if isinstance(newval, str): newval = newval.lower() if newval == "auto": self.sendcmd("R0X") return else: raise ValueError("Only `auto` is acceptable when specifying " "the range as a string.") if isinstance(newval, pq.quantity.Quantity): newval = float(newval) if isinstance(newval, (float, int)): if newval in valid: newval = valid.index(newval) else: raise ValueError("Valid range settings are: {}".format(valid)) else: raise TypeError("Range setting must be specified as a float, int, " "or the string `auto`, got {}".format(type(newval))) self.sendcmd("R{}X".format(newval)) @property def relative(self): """ Gets/sets the relative measurement mode (Z) of the Keithley 485. As stated in the manual: The relative function is used to establish a baseline reading. This reading is subtracted from all subsequent readings. The purpose of making relative measurements is to cancel test lead and offset currents or to store an input as a reference level. Once a relative level is established, it remains in effect until another relative level is set. The relative value is only good for the range the value was taken on and higher ranges. If a lower range is selected than that on which the relative was taken, inaccurate results may occur. Relative cannot be activated when "OL" is displayed. See the manual for more information. :type: `bool` """ return self.get_status()["relative"] @relative.setter def relative(self, newval): if not isinstance(newval, bool): raise TypeError("Relative mode must be a boolean.") self.sendcmd("Z{}X".format(int(newval))) @property def eoi_mode(self): """ Gets/sets the 'eoi' mode (K) of the Keithley 485. The model 485 will normally send an end of interrupt (EOI) during the last byte of its data string or status word. The EOI reponse of the instrument may be included or omitted. Warning: the default setting (K0) includes it. See the Keithley 485 manual for more information. :type: `bool` """ return self.get_status()["eoi_mode"] @eoi_mode.setter def eoi_mode(self, newval): if not isinstance(newval, bool): raise TypeError("EOI mode must be a boolean.") self.sendcmd("K{}X".format(1 - int(newval))) @property def trigger_mode(self): """ Gets/sets the trigger mode (T) of the Keithley 485. There are two different trigger settings for three different sources. This means there are six different settings for the trigger mode. The two types are continuous and one-shot. Continuous has the instrument continuously sample the current. One-shot performs a single current measurement when requested to do so. The three trigger sources are on talk, on GET, and on "X". On talk refers to addressing the instrument to talk over GPIB. On GET is when the instrument receives the GPIB command byte for "group execute trigger". Last, on "X" is when one sends the ASCII character "X" to the instrument. It is recommended to leave it in the default mode (T0, continuous on talk), and simply ignore the output when other commands are called. :type: `Keithley485.TriggerMode` """ return self.get_status()["trigger"] @trigger_mode.setter def trigger_mode(self, newval): if isinstance(newval, str): newval = Keithley485.TriggerMode[newval] if not isinstance(newval, Keithley485.TriggerMode): raise TypeError("Drive must be specified as a " "Keithley485.TriggerMode, got {} " "instead.".format(newval)) self.sendcmd("T{}X".format(newval.value)) # METHODS #
[docs] def auto_range(self): """ Turn on auto range for the Keithley 485. This is the same as calling the `Keithley485.set_current_range` method and setting the parameter to "AUTO". """ self.sendcmd("R0X")
[docs] def get_status(self): """ Gets and parses the status word. Returns a `dict` with the following keys: ``{zerocheck,log,range,relative,eoi,relative, trigger,datamask,errormask,terminator}`` :rtype: `dict` """ return self._parse_status_word(self._get_status_word())
def _get_status_word(self): """ The device will not always respond with the statusword when asked. We use a simple heuristic here: request it up to 5 times. :rtype: `str` """ tries = 5 statusword = "" while statusword[:3] != "485" and tries != 0: statusword = self.query("U0X") tries -= 1 if statusword is None: raise IOError("Could not retrieve status word") return statusword[:-1] def _parse_status_word(self, statusword): """ Parse the status word returned by the function `~Keithley485.get_status_word`. Returns a `dict` with the following keys: ``{zerocheck,log,range,relative,eoi,relative, trigger,datamask,errormask,terminator}`` :param statusword: Byte string to be unpacked and parsed :type: `str` :rtype: `dict` """ if statusword[:3] != "485": raise ValueError("Status word starts with wrong " "prefix: {}".format(statusword)) (zerocheck, log, device_range, relative, eoi_mode, trigger, datamask, errormask) = \ unpack("@6c2s2s", bytes(statusword[3:], "utf-8")) valid_range = {b"0": "auto", b"1": 2e-9, b"2": 2e-8, b"3": 2e-7, b"4": 2e-6, b"5": 2e-5, b"6": 2e-4, b"7": 2e-3} try: device_range = valid_range[device_range] trigger = self.TriggerMode(int(trigger)).name datamask = self.SRQDataMask(int(datamask)).name errormask = self.SRQErrorMask(int(errormask)).name except: raise RuntimeError("Cannot parse status " "word: {}".format(statusword)) return {"zerocheck": zerocheck == b"1", "log": log == b"1", "range": device_range, "relative": relative == b"1", "eoi_mode": eoi_mode == b"0", "trigger": trigger, "datamask": datamask, "errormask": errormask, "terminator": self.terminator}
[docs] def measure(self): """ Perform a current measurement with the Keithley 485. :rtype: `~quantities.quantity.Quantity` """ return self._parse_measurement(self.query("X"))
def _parse_measurement(self, measurement): """ Parse the measurement string returned by the instrument. Returns the current formatted as a Quantity. :param measurement: String to be unpacked and parsed :type: `str` :rtype: `~quantities.quantity.Quantity` """ (status, function, base, current) = \ unpack("@1c2s1c10s", bytes(measurement, "utf-8")) try: status = self.Status(status) if status != self.Status.normal: raise ValueError("Instrument not in normal mode: {}".format( if function != b"DC": raise ValueError("Instrument not returning DC function: {}".format(function)) current = float(current) * pq.amp if base == b"A" else 10 ** (float(current)) * pq.amp except: raise Exception("Cannot parse measurement: {}".format(measurement)) return current