Source code for instruments.newport.newportesp301

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Provides support for the Newport ESP-301 motor controller.

Due to the complexity of this piece of equipment, and relative lack of
documentation and following of normal SCPI guidelines, this file more than
likely contains bugs and non-complete behaviour.

# IMPORTS #####################################################################

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from functools import reduce
from time import time, sleep
from contextlib import contextmanager

from builtins import range, map
from enum import IntEnum

import quantities as pq

from instruments.abstract_instruments import Instrument
from instruments.newport.errors import NewportError
from instruments.util_fns import assume_units, ProxyList

# ENUMS #######################################################################

[docs]class NewportESP301HomeSearchMode(IntEnum): """ Enum containing different search modes code """ #: Search along specified axes for the +0 position. zero_position_count = 0 #: Search for combined Home and Index signals. home_index_signals = 1 #: Search only for the Home signal. home_signal_only = 2 #: Search for the positive limit signal. pos_limit_signal = 3 #: Search for the negative limit signal. neg_limit_signal = 4 #: Search for the positive limit and Index signals. pos_index_signals = 5 #: Search for the negative limit and Index signals. neg_index_signals = 6
class NewportESP301Units(IntEnum): """ Enum containing what `units` return means. """ encoder_step = 0 motor_step = 1 millimeter = 2 micrometer = 3 inches = 4 milli_inches = 5 micro_inches = 6 degree = 7 gradian = 8 radian = 9 milliradian = 10 microradian = 11 class NewportESP301MotorType(IntEnum): """ Enum for different motor types. """ undefined = 0 dc_servo = 1 stepper_motor = 2 commutated_stepper_motor = 3 commutated_brushless_servo = 4 # CLASSES ##################################################################### # pylint: disable=too-many-lines
[docs]class NewportESP301(Instrument): """ Handles communication with the Newport ESP-301 multiple-axis motor controller using the protocol documented in the `user's guide`_. Due to the complexity of this piece of equipment, and relative lack of documentation and following of normal SCPI guidelines, this class more than likely contains bugs and non-complete behaviour. .. _user's guide: """ def __init__(self, filelike): super(NewportESP301, self).__init__(filelike) self._execute_immediately = True self._command_list = [] self._bulk_query_resp = "" self.terminator = "\r" # PROPERTIES ## @property def axis(self): """ Gets the axes of the motor controller as a sequence. For instance, to move along a given axis:: >>> controller = NewportESP301.open_serial("COM3") >>> controller.axis[0].move(-0.001, absolute=False) Note that the axes are numbered starting from zero, so that Python idioms can be used more easily. This is not the same convention used in the Newport ESP-301 user's manual, and so care must be taken when converting examples. :type: :class:`NewportESP301Axis` """ return ProxyList(self, NewportESP301Axis, range(100)) # return _AxisList(self) # LOW-LEVEL COMMAND METHODS ## def _newport_cmd(self, cmd, params=tuple(), target=None, errcheck=True): """ The Newport ESP-301 command set supports checking for errors, specifying different axes and allows for multiple parameters. As such, it is convienent to wrap calls to the low-level `~instruments.abstract_instruments.Instrument.sendcmd` method in a method that is aware of the eccenticities of the controller. This method sends a command, checks for errors on the device and turns them into exceptions as needed. :param bool errcheck: If `False`, suppresses the standard error checking. Note that since error-checking is unsupported during device programming, ``errcheck`` must be `False` during ``PGM`` mode. """ query_resp = None if isinstance(target, NewportESP301Axis): target = target.axis_id raw_cmd = "{target}{cmd}{params}".format( target=target if target is not None else "", cmd=cmd.upper(), params=",".join(map(str, params)) ) if self._execute_immediately: query_resp = self._execute_cmd(raw_cmd, errcheck) else: self._command_list.append(raw_cmd) # This works because "return None" is equivalent to "return". return query_resp def _execute_cmd(self, raw_cmd, errcheck=True): """ Takes a string command and executes it on Newport :param str raw_cmd: :param bool errcheck: :return: response of device :rtype: `str` """ query_resp = None if "?" in raw_cmd: query_resp = self.query(raw_cmd) else: self.sendcmd(raw_cmd) if errcheck: err_resp = self.query('TB?') # pylint: disable=unused-variable code, timestamp, msg = err_resp.split(",") code = int(code) if code != 0: raise NewportError(code) return query_resp # SPECIFIC COMMANDS ## def _home(self, axis, search_mode, errcheck=True): """ Private method for searching for home "OR", so that the methods in this class and the axis class can both point to the same thing. """ self._newport_cmd( "OR", target=axis, params=[search_mode], errcheck=errcheck)
[docs] def search_for_home( self, axis=1, search_mode=NewportESP301HomeSearchMode.zero_position_count.value, errcheck=True ): """ Searches the specified axis for home using the method specified by ``search_mode``. :param int axis: Axis ID for which home should be searched for. This value is 1-based indexing. :param NewportESP301HomeSearchMode search_mode: Method to detect when Home has been found. :param bool errcheck: Boolean to check for errors after each command that is sent to the instrument. """ self._home(axis=axis, search_mode=search_mode, errcheck=errcheck)
[docs] def reset(self): """ Causes the device to perform a hardware reset. Note that this method is only effective if the watchdog timer is enabled by the physical jumpers on the ESP-301. Please see the `user's guide`_ for more information. """ self._newport_cmd("RS", errcheck=False)
[docs] @contextmanager def define_program(self, program_id): """ Erases any existing programs with a given program ID and instructs the device to record the commands within this ``with`` block to be saved as a program with that ID. For instance: >>> controller = NewportESP301.open_serial("COM3") >>> with controller.define_program(15): ... controller.axis[0].move(0.001, absolute=False) ... >>> controller.run_program(15) :param int program_id: An integer label for the new program. Must be in ``range(1, 101)``. """ if program_id not in range(1, 101): raise ValueError("Invalid program ID. Must be an integer from " "1 to 100 (inclusive).") self._newport_cmd("XX", target=program_id) try: self._newport_cmd("EP", target=program_id) yield finally: self._newport_cmd("QP")
[docs] @contextmanager def execute_bulk_command(self, errcheck=True): """ Context manager to execute multiple commands in a single communication with device Example:: with self.execute_bulk_command(): execute commands as normal... :param bool errcheck: Boolean to check for errors after each command that is sent to the instrument. """ self._execute_immediately = False yield command_string = reduce( lambda x, y: x + ' ; ' + y + ' ; ', self._command_list) # TODO: is _bulk_query_resp getting back to user? self._bulk_query_resp = self._execute_cmd(command_string, errcheck) self._command_list = [] self._execute_immediately = True
[docs] def run_program(self, program_id): """ Runs a previously defined user program with a given program ID. :param int program_id: ID number for previously saved user program """ if program_id not in range(1, 101): raise ValueError("Invalid program ID. Must be an integer from " "1 to 100 (inclusive).") self._newport_cmd("EX", target=program_id)
# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods,too-many-instance-attributes
[docs]class NewportESP301Axis(object): """ Encapsulates communication concerning a single axis of an ESP-301 controller. This class should not be instantiated by the user directly, but is returned by `NewportESP301.axis`. """ # quantities micro inch micro_inch = pq.UnitQuantity('micro-inch', pq.inch / 1e6, symbol='uin') # Some more work might need to be done here to make # the encoder_step and motor_step functional # I really don't have a concrete idea how I'm # going to do this until I have a physical device _unit_dict = { 0: pq.count, 1: pq.count, 2:, 3:, 4: pq.inch, 5:, 6: micro_inch, # compound unit for micro-inch 7: pq.deg, 8: pq.grad, 9: pq.rad, 10: pq.mrad, 11: pq.urad, } def __init__(self, controller, axis_id): if not isinstance(controller, NewportESP301): raise TypeError("Axis must be controlled by a Newport ESP-301 " "motor controller.") self._controller = controller self._axis_id = axis_id + 1 self._units = self.units # CONTEXT MANAGERS ## @contextmanager def _units_of(self, units): """ Sets the units for the corresponding axis to a those given by an integer label (see `NewportESP301Units`), ensuring that the units are properly reset at the completion of the context manager. """ old_units = self._get_units() self._set_units(units) yield self._set_units(old_units) # PRIVATE METHODS ## def _get_units(self): """ Returns the integer label for the current units set for this axis. .. seealso:: NewportESP301Units """ return NewportESP301Units( int(self._newport_cmd("SN?", target=self.axis_id)) ) def _set_units(self, new_units): return self._newport_cmd( "SN", target=self.axis_id, params=[int(new_units)] ) # PROPERTIES ## @property def axis_id(self): """ Get axis number of Newport Controller :type: `int` """ return self._axis_id @property def is_motion_done(self): """ `True` if and only if all motion commands have completed. This method can be used to wait for a motion command to complete before sending the next command. :type: `bool` """ return bool(int(self._newport_cmd("MD?", target=self.axis_id))) @property def acceleration(self): """ Gets/sets the axis acceleration :units: As specified (if a `~quantities.Quantity`) or assumed to be of current newport unit :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or `float` """ return assume_units( float(self._newport_cmd("AC?", target=self.axis_id)), self._units / (pq.s**2) ) @acceleration.setter def acceleration(self, newval): if newval is None: return newval = float(assume_units(newval, self._units / (pq.s**2)).rescale( self._units / (pq.s**2)).magnitude) self._newport_cmd("AC", target=self.axis_id, params=[newval]) @property def deceleration(self): """ Gets/sets the axis deceleration :units: As specified (if a `~quantities.Quantity`) or assumed to be of current newport :math:`\\frac{unit}{s^2}` :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or float """ return assume_units( float(self._newport_cmd("AG?", target=self.axis_id)), self._units / (pq.s**2) ) @deceleration.setter def deceleration(self, newval): if newval is None: return newval = float(assume_units(newval, self._units / (pq.s**2)).rescale( self._units / (pq.s**2)).magnitude) self._newport_cmd("AG", target=self.axis_id, params=[newval]) @property def estop_deceleration(self): """ Gets/sets the axis estop deceleration :units: As specified (if a `~quantities.Quantity`) or assumed to be of current newport :math:`\\frac{unit}{s^2}` :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or float """ return assume_units( float(self._newport_cmd("AE?", target=self.axis_id)), self._units / (pq.s**2) ) @estop_deceleration.setter def estop_deceleration(self, decel): decel = float(assume_units(decel, self._units / (pq.s**2)).rescale( self._units / (pq.s**2)).magnitude) self._newport_cmd("AE", target=self.axis_id, params=[decel]) @property def jerk(self): """ Gets/sets the jerk rate for the controller :units: As specified (if a `~quantities.Quantity`) or assumed to be of current newport unit :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or `float` """ return assume_units( float(self._newport_cmd("JK?", target=self.axis_id)), self._units / (pq.s**3) ) @jerk.setter def jerk(self, jerk): jerk = float(assume_units(jerk, self._units / (pq.s**3)).rescale( self._units / (pq.s**3)).magnitude) self._newport_cmd("JK", target=self.axis_id, params=[jerk]) @property def velocity(self): """ Gets/sets the axis velocity :units: As specified (if a `~quantities.Quantity`) or assumed to be of current newport :math:`\\frac{unit}{s}` :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or `float` """ return assume_units( float(self._newport_cmd("VA?", target=self.axis_id)), self._units / pq.s ) @velocity.setter def velocity(self, velocity): velocity = float(assume_units(velocity, self._units / (pq.s)).rescale( self._units / pq.s).magnitude) self._newport_cmd("VA", target=self.axis_id, params=[velocity]) @property def max_velocity(self): """ Gets/sets the axis maximum velocity :units: As specified (if a `~quantities.Quantity`) or assumed to be of current newport :math:`\\frac{unit}{s}` :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or `float` """ return assume_units( float(self._newport_cmd("VU?", target=self.axis_id)), self._units / pq.s ) @max_velocity.setter def max_velocity(self, newval): if newval is None: return newval = float(assume_units(newval, self._units / pq.s).rescale( self._units / pq.s).magnitude) self._newport_cmd("VU", target=self.axis_id, params=[newval]) @property def max_base_velocity(self): """ Gets/sets the maximum base velocity for stepper motors :units: As specified (if a `~quantities.Quantity`) or assumed to be of current newport :math:`\\frac{unit}{s}` :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or `float` """ return assume_units( float(self._newport_cmd("VB?", target=self.axis_id)), self._units / pq.s ) @max_base_velocity.setter def max_base_velocity(self, newval): if newval is None: return newval = float(assume_units(newval, self._units / pq.s).rescale( self._units / pq.s).magnitude) self._newport_cmd("VB", target=self.axis_id, params=[newval]) @property def jog_high_velocity(self): """ Gets/sets the axis jog high velocity :units: As specified (if a `~quantities.Quantity`) or assumed to be of current newport :math:`\\frac{unit}{s}` :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or `float` """ return assume_units( float(self._newport_cmd("JH?", target=self.axis_id)), self._units / pq.s ) @jog_high_velocity.setter def jog_high_velocity(self, newval): if newval is None: return newval = float(assume_units( newval, self._units / pq.s ).rescale(self._units / pq.s).magnitude) self._newport_cmd("JH", target=self.axis_id, params=[newval]) @property def jog_low_velocity(self): """ Gets/sets the axis jog low velocity :units: As specified (if a `~quantities.Quantity`) or assumed to be of current newport :math:`\\frac{unit}{s}` :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or `float` """ return assume_units( float(self._newport_cmd("JW?", target=self.axis_id)), self._units / pq.s ) @jog_low_velocity.setter def jog_low_velocity(self, newval): if newval is None: return newval = float(assume_units( newval, self._units / pq.s ).rescale(self._units / pq.s).magnitude) self._newport_cmd("JW", target=self.axis_id, params=[newval]) @property def homing_velocity(self): """ Gets/sets the axis homing velocity :units: As specified (if a `~quantities.Quantity`) or assumed to be of current newport :math:`\\frac{unit}{s}` :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or `float` """ return assume_units( float(self._newport_cmd("OH?", target=self.axis_id)), self._units / pq.s ) @homing_velocity.setter def homing_velocity(self, newval): if newval is None: return newval = float(assume_units( newval, self._units / pq.s ).rescale(self._units / pq.s).magnitude) self._newport_cmd("OH", target=self.axis_id, params=[newval]) @property def max_acceleration(self): """ Gets/sets the axis max acceleration :units: As specified (if a `~quantities.Quantity`) or assumed to be of current newport :math:`\\frac{unit}{s^2}` :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or `float` """ return assume_units( float(self._newport_cmd("AU?", target=self.axis_id)), self._units / (pq.s**2) ) @max_acceleration.setter def max_acceleration(self, newval): if newval is None: return newval = float(assume_units(newval, self._units / (pq.s**2)).rescale( self._units / (pq.s**2)).magnitude) self._newport_cmd("AU", target=self.axis_id, params=[newval]) @property def max_deceleration(self): """ Gets/sets the axis max decceleration. Max deaceleration is always the same as acceleration. :units: As specified (if a `~quantities.Quantity`) or assumed to be of current newport :math:`\\frac{unit}{s^2}` :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or `float` """ return self.max_acceleration @max_deceleration.setter def max_deceleration(self, decel): decel = float(assume_units(decel, self._units / (pq.s**2)).rescale( self._units / (pq.s**2)).magnitude) self.max_acceleration = decel @property def position(self): """ Gets real position on axis in units :units: As specified (if a `~quantities.Quantity`) or assumed to be of current newport unit :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or `float` """ return assume_units( float(self._newport_cmd("TP?", target=self.axis_id)), self._units ) @property def desired_position(self): """ Gets desired position on axis in units :units: As specified (if a `~quantities.Quantity`) or assumed to be of current newport unit :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or `float` """ return assume_units( float(self._newport_cmd("DP?", target=self.axis_id)), self._units ) @property def desired_velocity(self): """ Gets the axis desired velocity in unit/s :units: As specified (if a `~quantities.Quantity`) or assumed to be of current newport unit/s :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or `float` """ return assume_units( float(self._newport_cmd("DP?", target=self.axis_id)), self._units / pq.s ) @property def home(self): """ Gets/sets the axis home position. Default should be 0 as that sets current position as home :units: As specified (if a `~quantities.Quantity`) or assumed to be of current newport unit :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or `float` """ return assume_units( float(self._newport_cmd("DH?", target=self.axis_id)), self._units ) @home.setter def home(self, newval=0): if newval is None: return newval = float(assume_units(newval, self._units).rescale( self._units).magnitude) self._newport_cmd("DH", target=self.axis_id, params=[newval]) @property def units(self): """ Get the units that all commands are in reference to. :type: `~quantities.Quantity` with units corresponding to units of axis connected or int which corresponds to Newport unit number """ self._units = self._get_pq_unit(self._get_units()) return self._units @units.setter def units(self, newval): if newval is None: return if isinstance(newval, int): self._units = self._get_pq_unit(NewportESP301Units(int(newval))) elif isinstance(newval, pq.Quantity): self._units = newval newval = self._get_unit_num(newval) self._set_units(newval) @property def encoder_resolution(self): """ Gets/sets the resolution of the encode. The minimum number of units per step. Encoder functionality must be enabled. :units: The number of units per encoder step :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or `float` """ return assume_units( float(self._newport_cmd("SU?", target=self.axis_id)), self._units ) @encoder_resolution.setter def encoder_resolution(self, newval): if newval is None: return newval = float(assume_units(newval, self._units).rescale( self._units).magnitude) self._newport_cmd("SU", target=self.axis_id, params=[newval]) @property def full_step_resolution(self): """ Gets/sets the axis resolution of the encode. The minimum number of units per step. Encoder functionality must be enabled. :units: The number of units per encoder step :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or `float` """ return assume_units( float(self._newport_cmd("FR?", target=self.axis_id)), self._units ) @full_step_resolution.setter def full_step_resolution(self, newval): if newval is None: return newval = float(assume_units( newval, self._units ).rescale(self._units).magnitude) self._newport_cmd("FR", target=self.axis_id, params=[newval]) @property def left_limit(self): """ Gets/sets the axis left travel limit :units: The limit in units :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or `float` """ return assume_units( float(self._newport_cmd("SL?", target=self.axis_id)), self._units ) @left_limit.setter def left_limit(self, limit): limit = float(assume_units(limit, self._units).rescale( self._units).magnitude) self._newport_cmd("SL", target=self.axis_id, params=[limit]) @property def right_limit(self): """ Gets/sets the axis right travel limit :units: units :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or `float` """ return assume_units( float(self._newport_cmd("SR?", target=self.axis_id)), self._units ) @right_limit.setter def right_limit(self, limit): limit = float(assume_units(limit, self._units).rescale( self._units).magnitude) self._newport_cmd("SR", target=self.axis_id, params=[limit]) @property def error_threshold(self): """ Gets/sets the axis error threshold :units: units :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or `float` """ return assume_units( float(self._newport_cmd("FE?", target=self.axis_id)), self._units ) @error_threshold.setter def error_threshold(self, newval): if newval is None: return newval = float(assume_units( newval, self._units ).rescale(self._units).magnitude) self._newport_cmd("FE", target=self.axis_id, params=[newval]) @property def current(self): """ Gets/sets the axis current (amps) :units: As specified (if a `~quantities.Quantity`) or assumed to be of current newport :math:`\\text{A}` :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or `float` """ return assume_units( float(self._newport_cmd("QI?", target=self.axis_id)), pq.A ) @current.setter def current(self, newval): if newval is None: return current = float(assume_units(newval, pq.A).rescale( pq.A).magnitude) self._newport_cmd("QI", target=self.axis_id, params=[current]) @property def voltage(self): """ Gets/sets the axis voltage :units: As specified (if a `~quantities.Quantity`) or assumed to be of current newport :math:`\\text{V}` :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or `float` """ return assume_units( float(self._newport_cmd("QV?", target=self.axis_id)), pq.V ) @voltage.setter def voltage(self, newval): if newval is None: return voltage = float(assume_units(newval, pq.V).rescale( pq.V).magnitude) self._newport_cmd("QV", target=self.axis_id, params=[voltage]) @property def motor_type(self): """ Gets/sets the axis motor type * 0 = undefined * 1 = DC Servo * 2 = Stepper motor * 3 = commutated stepper motor * 4 = commutated brushless servo motor :type: `int` :rtype: `NewportESP301MotorType` """ return NewportESP301MotorType(int(self._newport_cmd( "QM?", target=self._axis_id ))) @motor_type.setter def motor_type(self, newval): if newval is None: return self._newport_cmd("QM", target=self._axis_id, params=[int(newval)]) @property def feedback_configuration(self): """ Gets/sets the axis Feedback configuration :type: `int` """ return int(self._newport_cmd("ZB?", target=self._axis_id)[:-2], 16) @feedback_configuration.setter def feedback_configuration(self, newval): if newval is None: return self._newport_cmd("ZB", target=self._axis_id, params=[int(newval)]) @property def position_display_resolution(self): """ Gets/sets the position display resolution :type: `int` """ return int(self._newport_cmd("FP?", target=self._axis_id)) @position_display_resolution.setter def position_display_resolution(self, newval): if newval is None: return self._newport_cmd("FP", target=self._axis_id, params=[int(newval)]) @property def trajectory(self): """ Gets/sets the axis trajectory :type: `int` """ return int(self._newport_cmd("TJ?", target=self._axis_id)) @trajectory.setter def trajectory(self, newval): if newval is None: return self._newport_cmd("TJ", target=self._axis_id, params=[int(newval)]) @property def microstep_factor(self): """ Gets/sets the axis microstep_factor :type: `int` """ return int(self._newport_cmd("QS?", target=self._axis_id)) @microstep_factor.setter def microstep_factor(self, newval): if newval is None: return newval = int(newval) if newval < 1 or newval > 250: raise ValueError("Microstep factor must be between 1 and 250") else: self._newport_cmd( "QS", target=self._axis_id, params=[newval] ) @property def hardware_limit_configuration(self): """ Gets/sets the axis hardware_limit_configuration :type: `int` """ return int(self._newport_cmd("ZH?", target=self._axis_id)[:-2]) @hardware_limit_configuration.setter def hardware_limit_configuration(self, newval): if newval is None: return self._newport_cmd("ZH", target=self._axis_id, params=[int(newval)]) @property def acceleration_feed_forward(self): """ Gets/sets the axis acceleration_feed_forward setting :type: `int` """ return float(self._newport_cmd("AF?", target=self._axis_id)) @acceleration_feed_forward.setter def acceleration_feed_forward(self, newval): if newval is None: return self._newport_cmd("AF", target=self._axis_id, params=[float(newval)]) @property def proportional_gain(self): """ Gets/sets the axis proportional_gain :type: `float` """ return float(self._newport_cmd("KP?", target=self._axis_id)[:-1]) @proportional_gain.setter def proportional_gain(self, newval): if newval is None: return self._newport_cmd("KP", target=self._axis_id, params=[float(newval)]) @property def derivative_gain(self): """ Gets/sets the axis derivative_gain :type: `float` """ return float(self._newport_cmd("KD?", target=self._axis_id)) @derivative_gain.setter def derivative_gain(self, newval): if newval is None: return self._newport_cmd("KD", target=self._axis_id, params=[float(newval)]) @property def integral_gain(self): """ Gets/sets the axis integral_gain :type: `float` """ return float(self._newport_cmd("KI?", target=self._axis_id)) @integral_gain.setter def integral_gain(self, newval): if newval is None: return self._newport_cmd("KI", target=self._axis_id, params=[float(newval)]) @property def integral_saturation_gain(self): """ Gets/sets the axis integral_saturation_gain :type: `float` """ return float(self._newport_cmd("KS?", target=self._axis_id)) @integral_saturation_gain.setter def integral_saturation_gain(self, newval): if newval is None: return self._newport_cmd("KS", target=self._axis_id, params=[float(newval)]) @property def encoder_position(self): """ Gets the encoder position :type: """ with self._units_of(NewportESP301Units.encoder_step): return self.position # MOVEMENT METHODS #
[docs] def search_for_home( self, search_mode=NewportESP301HomeSearchMode.zero_position_count.value ): """ Searches this axis only for home using the method specified by ``search_mode``. :param NewportESP301HomeSearchMode search_mode: Method to detect when Home has been found. """ self._controller.search_for_home(axis=self.axis_id, search_mode=search_mode)
[docs] def move(self, position, absolute=True, wait=False, block=False): """ :param position: Position to set move to along this axis. :type position: `float` or :class:`~quantities.Quantity` :param bool absolute: If `True`, the position ``pos`` is interpreted as relative to the zero-point of the encoder. If `False`, ``pos`` is interpreted as relative to the current position of this axis. :param bool wait: If True, will tell axis to not execute other commands until movement is finished :param bool block: If True, will block code until movement is finished """ position = float(assume_units(position, self._units).rescale( self._units).magnitude) if absolute: self._newport_cmd("PA", params=[position], target=self.axis_id) else: self._newport_cmd("PR", params=[position], target=self.axis_id) if wait: self.wait_for_position(position) if block: sleep(0.003) mot = self.is_motion_done while not mot: mot = self.is_motion_done
[docs] def move_to_hardware_limit(self): """ move to hardware travel limit """ self._newport_cmd("MT", target=self.axis_id)
[docs] def move_indefinitely(self): """ Move until told to stop """ self._newport_cmd("MV", target=self.axis_id)
[docs] def abort_motion(self): """ Abort motion """ self._newport_cmd("AB", target=self.axis_id)
[docs] def wait_for_stop(self): """ Waits for axis motion to stop before next command is executed """ self._newport_cmd("WS", target=self.axis_id)
[docs] def stop_motion(self): """ Stop all motion on axis. With programmed deceleration rate """ try: self._newport_cmd("ST", target=self.axis_id) except NewportError as e: raise NewportError(e)
[docs] def wait_for_position(self, position): """ Wait for axis to reach position before executing next command :param position: Position to wait for on axis :type position: float or :class:`~quantities.Quantity` """ position = float(assume_units(position, self._units).rescale( self._units).magnitude) self._newport_cmd( "WP", target=self.axis_id, params=[position])
[docs] def wait_for_motion(self, poll_interval=0.01, max_wait=None): """ Blocks until all movement along this axis is complete, as reported by `~NewportESP301Axis.is_motion_done`. :param float poll_interval: How long (in seconds) to sleep between checking if the motion is complete. :param float max_wait: Maximum amount of time to wait before raising a `IOError`. If `None`, this method will wait indefinitely. """ # FIXME: make sure that the controller is not in # programming mode, or else this might not work. # In programming mode, the "WS" command should be # sent instead, and the two parameters to this method should # be ignored. poll_interval = float(assume_units(poll_interval, pq.s).rescale( pq.s).magnitude) max_wait = float(assume_units(max_wait, pq.s).rescale( pq.s).magnitude) tic = time() while True: if self.is_motion_done: return else: if max_wait is None or (time() - tic) < max_wait: sleep(poll_interval) else: raise IOError("Timed out waiting for motion to finish.")
[docs] def enable(self): """ Turns motor axis on. """ self._newport_cmd("MO", target=self._axis_id)
[docs] def disable(self): """ Turns motor axis off. """ self._newport_cmd("MF", target=self._axis_id)
[docs] def setup_axis(self, **kwargs): """ Setup a non-newport DC servo motor stage. Necessary parameters are. * 'motor_type' = type of motor see 'QM' in Newport documentation * 'current' = motor maximum current (A) * 'voltage' = motor voltage (V) * 'units' = set units (see NewportESP301Units)(U) * 'encoder_resolution' = value of encoder step in terms of (U) * 'max_velocity' = maximum velocity (U/s) * 'max_base_velocity' = maximum working velocity (U/s) * 'homing_velocity' = homing speed (U/s) * 'jog_high_velocity' = jog high speed (U/s) * 'jog_low_velocity' = jog low speed (U/s) * 'max_acceleration' = maximum acceleration (U/s^2) * 'acceleration' = acceleration (U/s^2) * 'deceleration' = set deceleration (U/s^2) * 'error_threshold' = set error threshold (U) * 'proportional_gain' = PID proportional gain (optional) * 'derivative_gain' = PID derivative gain (optional) * 'interal_gain' = PID internal gain (optional) * 'integral_saturation_gain' = PID integral saturation (optional) * 'trajectory' = trajectory mode (optional) * 'position_display_resolution' (U per step) * 'feedback_configuration' * 'full_step_resolution' = (U per step) * 'home' = (U) * 'acceleration_feed_forward' = bewtween 0 to 2e9 * 'reduce_motor_torque' = (time(ms),percentage) """ self.motor_type = kwargs.get('motor_type') self.feedback_configuration = kwargs.get('feedback_configuration') self.full_step_resolution = kwargs.get('full_step_resolution') self.position_display_resolution = kwargs.get('position_display_' 'resolution') self.current = kwargs.get('current') self.voltage = kwargs.get('voltage') self.units = int(kwargs.get('units')) self.encoder_resolution = kwargs.get('encoder_resolution') self.max_acceleration = kwargs.get('max_acceleration') self.max_velocity = kwargs.get('max_velocity') self.max_base_velocity = kwargs.get('max_base_velocity') self.homing_velocity = kwargs.get('homing_velocity') self.jog_high_velocity = kwargs.get('jog_high_velocity') self.jog_low_velocity = kwargs.get('jog_low_velocity') self.acceleration = kwargs.get('acceleration') self.velocity = kwargs.get('velocity') self.deceleration = kwargs.get('deceleration') self.estop_deceleration = kwargs.get('estop_deceleration') self.jerk = kwargs.get('jerk') self.error_threshold = kwargs.get('error_threshold') self.proportional_gain = kwargs.get('proportional_gain') self.derivative_gain = kwargs.get('derivative_gain') self.integral_gain = kwargs.get('integral_gain') self.integral_saturation_gain = kwargs.get('integral_saturation_gain') self.home = kwargs.get('home') self.microstep_factor = kwargs.get('microstep_factor') self.acceleration_feed_forward = kwargs.get('acceleration_feed_forward') self.trajectory = kwargs.get('trajectory') self.hardware_limit_configuration = kwargs.get('hardware_limit_' 'configuration') if 'reduce_motor_torque_time' in kwargs and 'reduce_motor_torque_percentage' in kwargs: motor_time = kwargs['reduce_motor_torque_time'] motor_time = int(assume_units(motor_time, if motor_time < 0 or motor_time > 60000: raise ValueError("Time must be between 0 and 60000 ms") percentage = kwargs['reduce_motor_torque_percentage'] percentage = int(assume_units(percentage, pq.percent).rescale( pq.percent).magnitude) if percentage < 0 or percentage > 100: raise ValueError("Time must be between 0 and 60000 ms") self._newport_cmd( "QR", target=self._axis_id, params=[motor_time, percentage]) # update motor configuration self._newport_cmd("UF", target=self._axis_id) self._newport_cmd("QD", target=self._axis_id) # save configuration self._newport_cmd("SM") return self.read_setup()
[docs] def read_setup(self): """ Returns dictionary containing: 'units' 'motor_type' 'feedback_configuration' 'full_step_resolution' 'position_display_resolution' 'current' 'max_velocity' 'encoder_resolution' 'acceleration' 'deceleration' 'velocity' 'max_acceleration' 'homing_velocity' 'jog_high_velocity' 'jog_low_velocity' 'estop_deceleration' 'jerk' 'proportional_gain' 'derivative_gain' 'integral_gain' 'integral_saturation_gain' 'home' 'microstep_factor' 'acceleration_feed_forward' 'trajectory' 'hardware_limit_configuration' :rtype: dict of `quantities.Quantity`, float and int """ config = dict() config['units'] = self.units config['motor_type'] = self.motor_type config['feedback_configuration'] = self.feedback_configuration config['full_step_resolution'] = self.full_step_resolution config[ 'position_display_resolution'] = self.position_display_resolution config['current'] = self.current config['max_velocity'] = self.max_velocity config['encoder_resolution'] = self.encoder_resolution config['acceleration'] = self.acceleration config['deceleration'] = self.deceleration config['velocity'] = self.velocity config['max_acceleration'] = self.max_acceleration config['homing_velocity'] = self.homing_velocity config['jog_high_velocity'] = self.jog_high_velocity config['jog_low_velocity'] = self.jog_low_velocity config['estop_deceleration'] = self.estop_deceleration config['jerk'] = self.jerk # config['error_threshold'] = self.error_threshold config['proportional_gain'] = self.proportional_gain config['derivative_gain'] = self.derivative_gain config['integral_gain'] = self.integral_gain config['integral_saturation_gain'] = self.integral_saturation_gain config['home'] = self.home config['microstep_factor'] = self.microstep_factor config['acceleration_feed_forward'] = self.acceleration_feed_forward config['trajectory'] = self.trajectory config[ 'hardware_limit_configuration'] = self.hardware_limit_configuration return config
[docs] def get_status(self): """ Returns Dictionary containing values: 'units' 'position' 'desired_position' 'desired_velocity' 'is_motion_done' :rtype: dict """ status = dict() status['units'] = self.units status['position'] = self.position status['desired_position'] = self.desired_position status['desired_velocity'] = self.desired_velocity status['is_motion_done'] = self.is_motion_done return status
@staticmethod def _get_pq_unit(num): """ Gets the units for the specified axis. :units: The units for the attached axis :type num: int """ return NewportESP301Axis._unit_dict[num] def _get_unit_num(self, quantity): """ Gets the integer label used by the Newport ESP 301 corresponding to a given `~quantities.Quantity`. :param quantities.Quantity quantity: Units to return a label for. :return int: """ for num, quant in self._unit_dict.items(): if quant == quantity: return num raise KeyError( "{0} is not a valid unit for Newport Axis".format(quantity)) # pylint: disable=protected-access def _newport_cmd(self, cmd, **kwargs): """ Passes the newport command from the axis class to the parent controller :param cmd: :param kwargs: :return: """ return self._controller._newport_cmd(cmd, **kwargs)