Source code for instruments.picowatt.picowattavs47

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Provides support for the Picowatt AVS 47 resistance bridge

# IMPORTS #####################################################################

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division

from builtins import range
from enum import IntEnum

import quantities as pq

from instruments.generic_scpi import SCPIInstrument
from instruments.util_fns import (enum_property, bool_property, int_property,

# CLASSES #####################################################################

[docs]class PicowattAVS47(SCPIInstrument): """ The Picowatt AVS 47 is a resistance bridge used to measure the resistance of low-temperature sensors. Example usage: >>> import instruments as ik >>> bridge = ik.picowatt.PicowattAVS47.open_gpibusb('/dev/ttyUSB0', 1) >>> print bridge.sensor[0].resistance """ def __init__(self, filelike): super(PicowattAVS47, self).__init__(filelike) self.sendcmd("HDR 0") # Disables response headers from replies # INNER CLASSES #
[docs] class Sensor(object): """ Class representing a sensor on the PicowattAVS47 .. warning:: This class should NOT be manually created by the user. It is designed to be initialized by the `PicowattAVS47` class. """ def __init__(self, parent, idx): self._parent = parent self._idx = idx # The AVS47 is actually zero-based indexing! Wow! @property def resistance(self): """ Gets the resistance. It first ensures that the next measurement reading is up to date by first sending the "ADC" command. :units: :math:`\\Omega` (ohms) :rtype: `~quantities.Quantity` """ # First make sure the mux is on the correct channel if self._parent.mux_channel != self._idx: self._parent.input_source = self._parent.InputSource.ground self._parent.mux_channel = self._idx self._parent.input_source = self._parent.InputSource.actual # Next, prep a measurement with the ADC command self._parent.sendcmd("ADC") return float(self._parent.query("RES?")) * pq.ohm
[docs] class InputSource(IntEnum): """ Enum containing valid input source modes for the AVS 47 """ ground = 0 actual = 1 reference = 2
# PROPERTIES # @property def sensor(self): """ Gets a specific sensor object. The desired sensor is specified like one would access a list. :rtype: `~PicowattAVS47.Sensor` .. seealso:: `PicowattAVS47` for an example using this property. """ return ProxyList(self, PicowattAVS47.Sensor, range(8)) remote = bool_property( command="REM", inst_true="1", inst_false="0", doc=""" Gets/sets the remote mode state. Enabling the remote mode allows all settings to be changed by computer interface and locks-out the front panel. :type: `bool` """ ) input_source = enum_property( command="INP", enum=InputSource, input_decoration=int, doc=""" Gets/sets the input source. :type: `PicowattAVS47.InputSource` """ ) mux_channel = int_property( command="MUX", doc=""" Gets/sets the multiplexer sensor number. It is recommended that you ground the input before switching the multiplexer channel. Valid mux channel values are 0 through 7 (inclusive). :type: `int` """, valid_set=range(8) ) excitation = int_property( command="EXC", doc=""" Gets/sets the excitation sensor number. Valid excitation sensor values are 0 through 7 (inclusive). :type: `int` """, valid_set=range(8) ) display = int_property( command="DIS", doc=""" Gets/sets the sensor that is displayed on the front panel. Valid display sensor values are 0 through 7 (inclusive). :type: `int` """, valid_set=range(8) )