Source code for instruments.srs.srsctc100

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Provides support for the SRS CTC-100 cryogenic temperature controller.

# IMPORTS #####################################################################

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from contextlib import contextmanager
from builtins import range

from enum import Enum

import quantities as pq
import numpy as np

from instruments.generic_scpi import SCPIInstrument
from instruments.util_fns import ProxyList

# CLASSES #####################################################################

[docs]class SRSCTC100(SCPIInstrument): """ Communicates with a Stanford Research Systems CTC-100 cryogenic temperature controller. """ def __init__(self, filelike): super(SRSCTC100, self).__init__(filelike) self._do_errcheck = True # DICTIONARIES # _BOOL_NAMES = { 'On': True, 'Off': False } # Note that the SRS CTC-100 uses '\xb0' to represent '°'. _UNIT_NAMES = { '\xb0C': pq.celsius, 'W': pq.watt, 'V': pq.volt, '\xea': pq.ohm, '': pq.dimensionless } # INNER CLASSES ##
[docs] class SensorType(Enum): """ Enum containing valid sensor types for the SRS CTC-100 """ rtd = 'RTD' thermistor = 'Thermistor' diode = 'Diode' rox = 'ROX'
[docs] class Channel(object): """ Represents an input or output channel on an SRS CTC-100 cryogenic temperature controller. """ def __init__(self, ctc, chan_name): self._ctc = ctc # Save the pretty name that we are given. self._chan_name = chan_name # Strip spaces from the name used in remote programming, as # specified on page 14 of the manual. self._rem_name = chan_name.replace(" ", "") # PRIVATE METHODS # def _get(self, prop_name): return self._ctc.query("{}.{}?".format( self._rem_name, prop_name )).strip() def _set(self, prop_name, newval): self._ctc.sendcmd( '{}.{} = "{}"'.format(self._rem_name, prop_name, newval)) # DISPLAY AND PROGRAMMING # # These properties control how the channel is identified in scripts # and on the front-panel display. @property def name(self): """ Gets/sets the name of the channel that will be used by the instrument to identify the channel in programming and on the display. :type: `str` """ return self._chan_name @name.setter def name(self, newval): self._set('name', newval) # TODO: check for errors! self._chan_name = newval self._rem_name = newval.replace(" ", "") # BASICS # @property def value(self): """ Gets the measurement value of the channel. Units depend on what kind of sensor and/or channel you have specified. Units can be one of ``celsius``, ``watt``, ``volt``, ``ohm``, or ``dimensionless``. :type: `~quantities.Quantity` """ # WARNING: Queries all units all the time. # TODO: Make an OutputChannel that subclasses this class, # and add a setter for value. return pq.Quantity( float(self._get('value')), self.units ) @property def units(self): """ Gets the appropriate units for the specified channel. Units can be one of ``celsius``, ``watt``, ``volt``, ``ohm``, or ``dimensionless``. :type: `~quantities.UnitQuantity` """ # FIXME: does not respect "chan.d/dt" property. return self._ctc.channel_units()[self._chan_name] # FIXME: the following line doesn't do what I'd expect, and so it's # commented out. # return # self._ctc._UNIT_NAMES[self._ctc.query('{}.units?'.format(self._rem_name)).strip()] @property def sensor_type(self): """ Gets the type of sensor attached to the specified channel. :type: `SRSCTC100.SensorType` """ return self._ctc.SensorType(self._get('sensor')) # STATS # # The following properties control and query the statistics of the # channel. @property def stats_enabled(self): """ Gets/sets enabling the statistics for the specified channel. :type: `bool` """ return True if self._get('stats') == 'On' else False @stats_enabled.setter def stats_enabled(self, newval): # FIXME: replace with bool_property factory self._set('stats', 'On' if newval else 'Off') @property def stats_points(self): """ Gets/sets the number of sample points to use for the channel statistics. :type: `int` """ return int(self._get('points')) @stats_points.setter def stats_points(self, newval): self._set('points', int(newval)) @property def average(self): """ Gets the average measurement for the specified channel as determined by the statistics gathering. :type: `~quantities.Quantity` """ return pq.Quantity( float(self._get('average')), self.units ) @property def std_dev(self): """ Gets the standard deviation for the specified channel as determined by the statistics gathering. :type: `~quantities.Quantity` """ return pq.Quantity( float(self._get('SD')), self.units ) # LOGGING #
[docs] def get_log_point(self, which='next', units=None): """ Get a log data point from the instrument. :param str which: Which data point you want. Valid examples include ``first``, and ``next``. Consult the instrument manual for the complete list :param units: Units to attach to the returned data point. If left with the value of `None` then the instrument will be queried for the current units setting. :type units: `~quantities.UnitQuantity` :return: The log data point with units :rtype: `~quantities.Quantity` """ if units is None: units = self.units point = [ s.strip() for s in self._ctc.query( 'getLog.xy {}, {}'.format(self._chan_name, which) ).split(',') ] return pq.Quantity(point[0], 'ms'), pq.Quantity(point[1], units)
[docs] def get_log(self): """ Gets all of the log data points currently saved in the instrument memory. :return: Tuple of all the log data points. First value is time, second is the measurement value. :rtype: Tuple of 2x `~quantities.Quantity`, each comprised of a numpy array (`numpy.dnarray`). """ # Remember the current units. units = self.units # Find out how many points there are. n_points = int( self._ctc.query('getLog.xy? {}'.format(self._chan_name))) # Make an empty quantity that size for the times and for the channel # values. ts = pq.Quantity(np.empty((n_points,)), 'ms') temps = pq.Quantity(np.empty((n_points,)), units) # Reset the position to the first point, then save it. # pylint: disable=protected-access with self._ctc._error_checking_disabled(): ts[0], temps[0] = self.get_log_point('first', units) for idx in range(1, n_points): ts[idx], temps[idx] = self.get_log_point('next', units) # Do an actual error check now. if self._ctc.error_check_toggle: self._ctc.errcheck() return ts, temps
# PRIVATE METHODS ## def _channel_names(self): """ Returns the names of valid channels, using the ``getOutput.names`` command, as documented in the example on page 14 of the `CTC-100 manual`_. Note that ``getOutput`` also lists input channels, confusingly enough. .. _CTC-100 manual: """ # We need to split apart the comma-separated list and make sure that # no newlines or other whitespace gets carried along for the ride. # Note that we do NOT strip spaces here, as this is done inside # the Channel object. Doing things that way allows us to present # the actual pretty name to users, but to use the remote-programming # name in commands. # As a consequence, users of this instrument MUST use spaces # matching the pretty name and not the remote-programming name. # CG could not think of a good way around this. names = [ name.strip() for name in self.query('getOutput.names?').split(',') ] return names
[docs] def channel_units(self): """ Returns a dictionary from channel names to channel units, using the ``getOutput.units`` command. Unknown units and dimensionless quantities are presented the same way by the instrument, and so both are reported using `pq.dimensionless`. :rtype: `dict` with channel names as keys and units as values """ unit_strings = [ unit_str.strip() for unit_str in self.query('getOutput.units?').split(',') ] return dict( (chan_name, self._UNIT_NAMES[unit_str]) for chan_name, unit_str in zip(self._channel_names(), unit_strings) )
[docs] def errcheck(self): """ Performs an error check query against the CTC100. This function does not return anything, but will raise an `IOError` if the error code received by the instrument is not zero. :return: Nothing """ errs = super(SRSCTC100, self).query('geterror?').strip() err_code, err_descript = errs.split(',') err_code = int(err_code) if err_code == 0: return err_code else: raise IOError(err_descript.strip())
@contextmanager def _error_checking_disabled(self): old = self._do_errcheck self._do_errcheck = False yield self._do_errcheck = old # PROPERTIES ## @property def channel(self): """ Gets a specific measurement channel on the SRS CTC100. This is accessed like one would access a `dict`. Here you must use the actual channel names to address a specific channel. This is different from most other instruments in InstrumentKit because the CRC100 channel names can change by the user. The list of current valid channel names can be accessed by the `SRSCTC100._channel_names()` function. :type: `SRSCTC100.Channel` """ # Note that since the names can change, we need to query channel names # each time. This is inefficient, but alas. return ProxyList(self, self.Channel, self._channel_names()) @property def display_figures(self): """ Gets/sets the number of significant figures to display. Valid range is 0-6 inclusive. :type: `int` """ return int(self.query('system.display.figures?')) @display_figures.setter def display_figures(self, newval): if newval not in range(7): raise ValueError("Number of display figures must be an integer " "from 0 to 6, inclusive.") self.sendcmd('system.display.figures = {}'.format(newval)) @property def error_check_toggle(self): """ Gets/sets if errors should be checked for after every command. :bool: """ return self._do_errcheck @error_check_toggle.setter def error_check_toggle(self, newval): if not isinstance(newval, bool): raise TypeError self._do_errcheck = newval # OVERRIDEN METHODS # # We override sendcmd() and query() to do error checking after each # command.
[docs] def sendcmd(self, cmd): super(SRSCTC100, self).sendcmd(cmd) if self._do_errcheck: self.errcheck()
[docs] def query(self, cmd, size=-1): resp = super(SRSCTC100, self).query(cmd, size) if self._do_errcheck: self.errcheck() return resp
[docs] def clear_log(self): """ Clears the SRS CTC100 log Not sure if this works. """ self.sendcmd('System.Log.Clear yes')