Source code for instruments.srs.srsdg645

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Provides support for the SRS DG645 digital delay generator.

# IMPORTS #####################################################################

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from builtins import map

from enum import IntEnum

import quantities as pq

from instruments.generic_scpi import SCPIInstrument
from instruments.abstract_instruments.comm import GPIBCommunicator
from instruments.util_fns import assume_units, ProxyList

# CLASSES #####################################################################

class _SRSDG645Channel(object):

    Class representing a sensor attached to the SRS DG645.

    .. warning:: This class should NOT be manually created by the user. It is
        designed to be initialized by the `SRSDG645` class.

    def __init__(self, ddg, chan):
        if not isinstance(ddg, SRSDG645):
            raise TypeError("Don't do that.")

        if isinstance(chan, SRSDG645.Channels):
            self._chan = chan.value
            self._chan = chan

        self._ddg = ddg


    def idx(self):
        Gets the channel identifier number as used for communication

        :return: The communication identification number for the specified
        :rtype: `int`
        return self._chan

    def delay(self):
        Gets/sets the delay of this channel.
        Formatted as a two-tuple of the reference and the delay time.
        For example, ``(SRSDG645.Channels.A, pq.Quantity(10, "ps"))``
        indicates a delay of 10 picoseconds from delay channel A.
        resp = self._ddg.query("DLAY?{}".format(int(self._chan))).split(",")
        return SRSDG645.Channels(int(resp[0])), pq.Quantity(float(resp[1]), "s")

    def delay(self, newval):
        self._ddg.sendcmd("DLAY {},{},{}".format(

[docs]class SRSDG645(SCPIInstrument): """ Communicates with a Stanford Research Systems DG645 digital delay generator, using the SCPI commands documented in the `user's guide`_. Example usage: >>> import instruments as ik >>> import quantities as pq >>> srs = ik.srs.SRSDG645.open_gpibusb('/dev/ttyUSB0', 1) >>>["B"].delay = (["A"], pq.Quantity(10, 'ns')) >>> srs.output["AB"].level_amplitude = pq.Quantity(4.0, "V") .. _user's guide: """ def __init__(self, filelike): super(SRSDG645, self).__init__(filelike) # This instrument requires stripping two characters. if isinstance(filelike, GPIBCommunicator): filelike.strip = 2 # ENUMS #
[docs] class LevelPolarity(IntEnum): """ Polarities for output levels. """ positive = 1 negative = 0
[docs] class Outputs(IntEnum): """ Enumeration of valid outputs from the DDG. """ T0 = 0 AB = 1 CD = 2 EF = 3 GH = 4
[docs] class Channels(IntEnum): """ Enumeration of valid delay channels for the DDG. """ T0 = 0 T1 = 1 A = 2 B = 3 C = 4 D = 5 E = 6 F = 7 G = 8 H = 9
[docs] class DisplayMode(IntEnum): """ Enumeration of possible modes for the physical front-panel display. """ trigger_rate = 0 trigger_threshold = 1 trigger_single_shot = 2 trigger_line = 3 adv_triggering_enable = 4 trigger_holdoff = 5 prescale_config = 6 burst_mode = 7 burst_delay = 8 burst_count = 9 burst_period = 10 channel_delay = 11 channel_levels = 12 channel_polarity = 13 burst_T0_config = 14
[docs] class TriggerSource(IntEnum): """ Enumeration of the different allowed trigger sources and modes. """ internal = 0 external_rising = 1 external_falling = 2 ss_external_rising = 3 ss_external_falling = 4 single_shot = 5 line = 6
[docs] class Output(object): """ An output from the DDG. """ def __init__(self, parent, idx): self._parent = parent self._idx = int(idx) @property def polarity(self): """ Polarity of this output. :type: :class:`SRSDG645.LevelPolarity` """ return self._parent.LevelPolarity( int(self._parent.query("LPOL? {}".format(self._idx))) ) @polarity.setter def polarity(self, newval): if not isinstance(newval, self._parent.LevelPolarity): raise TypeError("Mode must be specified as a " "SRSDG645.LevelPolarity value, got {} " "instead.".format(type(newval))) self._parent.sendcmd("LPOL {},{}".format( self._idx, int(newval.value) )) @property def level_amplitude(self): """ Amplitude (in voltage) of the output level for this output. :type: `float` or :class:`~quantities.Quantity` :units: As specified, or :math:`\\text{V}` by default. """ return pq.Quantity( float(self._parent.query('LAMP? {}'.format(self._idx))), 'V' ) @level_amplitude.setter def level_amplitude(self, newval): newval = assume_units(newval, 'V').magnitude self._parent.sendcmd("LAMP {},{}".format(self._idx, newval)) @property def level_offset(self): """ Amplitude offset (in voltage) of the output level for this output. :type: `float` or :class:`~quantities.Quantity` :units: As specified, or :math:`\\text{V}` by default. """ return pq.Quantity( float(self._parent.query('LOFF? {}'.format(self._idx))), 'V' ) @level_offset.setter def level_offset(self, newval): newval = assume_units(newval, 'V').magnitude self._parent.sendcmd("LOFF {},{}".format(self._idx, newval))
# PROPERTIES # @property def channel(self): """ Gets a specific channel object. The desired channel is accessed by passing an EnumValue from `~SRSDG645.Channels`. For example, to access channel A: >>> import instruments as ik >>> inst = ik.srs.SRSDG645.open_gpibusb('/dev/ttyUSB0', 1) >>>[inst.Channels.A] See the example in `SRSDG645` for a more complete example. :rtype: `_SRSDG645Channel` """ return ProxyList(self, _SRSDG645Channel, SRSDG645.Channels) @property def output(self): """ Gets the specified output port. :type: :class:`SRSDG645.Output` """ return ProxyList(self, self.Output, self.Outputs) @property def display(self): """ Gets/sets the front-panel display mode for the connected DDG. The mode is a tuple of the display mode and the channel. :type: `tuple` of an `SRSDG645.DisplayMode` and an `SRSDG645.Channels` """ disp_mode, chan = map(int, self.query("DISP?").split(",")) return SRSDG645.DisplayMode(disp_mode), SRSDG645.Channels(chan) @display.setter def display(self, newval): # TODO: check types here. self.sendcmd("DISP {0},{1}".format(*map(int, newval))) @property def enable_adv_triggering(self): """ Gets/sets whether advanced triggering is enabled. :type: `bool` """ return bool(int(self.query("ADVT?"))) @enable_adv_triggering.setter def enable_adv_triggering(self, newval): self.sendcmd("ADVT {}".format(1 if newval else 0)) @property def trigger_rate(self): """ Gets/sets the rate of the internal trigger. :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or `float` :units: As passed or Hz if not specified. """ return pq.Quantity(float(self.query("TRAT?")), pq.Hz) @trigger_rate.setter def trigger_rate(self, newval): newval = assume_units(newval, pq.Hz) self.sendcmd("TRAT {}".format(newval.rescale(pq.Hz).magnitude)) @property def trigger_source(self): """ Gets/sets the source for the trigger. :type: :class:`SRSDG645.TriggerSource` """ return SRSDG645.TriggerSource(int(self.query("TSRC?"))) @trigger_source.setter def trigger_source(self, newval): self.sendcmd("TSRC {}".format(int(newval))) @property def holdoff(self): """ Gets/sets the trigger holdoff time. :type: `~quantities.Quantity` or `float` :units: As passed, or s if not specified. """ return pq.Quantity(float(self.query("HOLD?")), pq.s) @holdoff.setter def holdoff(self, newval): self.sendcmd("HOLD {}".format(newval.rescale(pq.s).magnitude))